Scratch Game #3

The third game that I made is called Save the Snowman! It is a pong game where you have to bounce something in the air without letting it hit the ground. In this case, I used a drum to bounce a snowman in the air. The red at the bottom is the global warming. You’re supposed bounce the snowman back in the air and not let it fall into the global warming.
Here it is:

Scratch Game #2

The second game that I made is called Sneaky Dinosaurs. It is a harder game than my first one. The object of the game is to find the dinosaurs and click them before they disappear. There are a couple of objects that the dinosaurs hide behind to make hard to find them. You can see your score of how many times you clicked the dinosaurs.
This is my game:


My debate group and I were debating whether we should protect humans from sharks or sharks from humans. The kids in my group were William, Will, and Eli. Will and Eli were partners and William and I were partners.
The first thing we did was read articles about either topic. Later we decided who was supporting what topic. Will and Eli were supporting protecting humans from sharks, and William and I were supporting protecting sharks from humans. Even though some of us had different topics, we all thought that we should protect sharks from humans.
Each partnership took lots of notes and annotated articles. Then, later we wrote an essay about our topic to help us with our oral debate. We practiced and practiced. Even though we were against each other, we knew all the evidence of both sides so we could come up with a good rebuttal.
On the day of our oral debate we were very nervous. We weren’t sure if we were ready or not. I think that we did well and here it is:
This is our self-assessment on how we did: