Tech #9


This is the last week of tech in sixth grade, we covered:

.levers. Project -catapult out of popsicle sticks

.truss. Protect stick truss, weight test

.cam. Project Atomitas

.atoms. Project bread boards

I think that tech was very fun because it was hands on, the first quarterly (library and computer tech) was very boarding because it was all online. I am going to still do things that we did in sixth grade tech in the future not just in tech this year.


Tech #8

What makes up an atom?

An atom has a couple of parts, electrons form a circle around the nucleus electrons are basically electricity protecting the nucleus which has protons and neutrons. There are different times of atoms in the scientific table, each one has a different weight, size, rings, and amount of ingredients.

Tech #7

What is a bread board?

A bread board is a templet for making circuits with wires and other things that can make different things happen using electrons. I made a circuit using a bread board this week and it turned out being hard because you had to put the wires in exact places or it wouldn’t work.

Tech #5

Making a cam

I could definitely see other people struggling with making there cams, I don’t blame them they are very hard to make even the slightest part you glue of could make it break. But unlike most people I found it quit simple actually. I made it the first day of class before any of my other classmates, but I had one mistake I accidentally made the pole that goes up and down to wide so it didn’t go up and down very smoothly but I just made another one, problem fixed.

Tech #6


On the first day of learning about atoms I didn’t know what to think, I didn’t know why we where learning about atoms in tech, but than we learned how they can make more sturdy building by putting them closer to gather, but don’t get me wrong it was really interesting. People first started thinking that earth was made up of somethings that’s all the same. Instead of just thinking every thing was made up of eliminates like fire water earth and life.

Tech #1

What are some forces that a material can experience?


Tension is when something is stretched, lets say a piece of glass is being stretched it would just shader that is something that is not stretchable. There are many types of metal some can stretch so that is something that is stretchable.


Compression is when something is squished, lets say a piece of plastic is being forced from both sides it would squish because it is not a completely solid material. Lets say a piece of ice is being squished it would just shader because it is a completely solid material.


Bending is when something can be shaped by being flexible, lets say are trying to break a twig it will just snap this is because it is not flexible, but if you made a metal very hot it will be able to bend.


Torsion is when a material can twist, lets say you have a piece of plastic and you twist it one direction with one hand and the other hand twists the other way it will twist, but if you have a rock it will not because it is an extremely solid object.


Shear is when something falls over, if you push something tall then it will fall flat but if you have something that is not tall it will not.

Tech #2

What is an i-beam?

An i-beam is one of the strongest types of beams. It is one if the best because of its shape, although you can see them almost every where there are differences between them so that they can do different tasks. The main difference between them and what makes them strong is there “web” it’s the strongest part of the beam:

As you can see this is the shape of an i-beam the web (that’s labeled) is pretty tall, but if you make it taller its more strong maybe you don’t want it to be tall because its not holding wait maybe it’s “holding” tension. Not a problem you can line them up in a way that is more suitable for that job.

Tech #3

What is a truss?

A truss is a beam or bridge made up of triangles. It is used for train tracks and sometimes roads for cars. Its also mostly used for shorter distances. I think that they are very interesting. Something that I didn’t know before was that one side of the bridge is not anchored  so that there is space for compression and tension.

Blog #7

For our last project for 6th grade computer tech we made a game online. We could use either Swift, Tinker, or Google Sheet, I used Google Sheets. I made a choose a path sort of game where there’s two answers and if you pick A you would go to a specific spot on the sheet and if you got them all right, the end of your path would be a win, but if you don’t get them right than you loose, but if you get, lets say the first one wrong the second question has a right answer and if you get the rest right than you could still win its not a one way outcome the first time. So its kind of like a second chance or a way to redeem yourself throughout the puzzle. I think that the hardest part was when I had to come up with the questions, to be honest most of the questions are really easy because I ran out of ideas  for questions, but even though some of them are easy it still actually took about 30 minutes to finish.

Blog Post #7

This week for my assignment I made a weeks worth of the P.E. wellness log. I made it by documenting my work threw out the week. At the end it looked pretty cool and clean so I was proud of my self. Sometimes it was hard, especially with the graph. I learned that you can’t youse words because it messes up the code of the app because it sees that it’s not a number and it doesn’t know what to do so it says no data, but my dad helped me and it worked in the end. I’m not going to lie, I was late for putting in my graph so it was stressful. Here it is: