Capstone Blog Interview

Welcome back to another blog! A few days ago I finished an interview with Anna (VINS nature center).  It was a quick interview and was kind of fun actually.  The interview was meant to help understand your topic more and also get more notes.

All we did was ask VINS and they agreed to doing the interview.  They also put one of their best people for me to interview.  It was hard at the beginning.  OUr interviewee was late.  But when she came it was easy and pie.  I got lots and lots of notes from this and it was fun! 

Like I said at the beginning my interview did go as expected but at the same time it didn’t.  My interviewee was late to the meeting and that set us off track.  Other than that nothing else set us off course.  I learned about the spotted owl and its story.  Its a bird that survived deforestation and also other birds of prey.  It was pressured by barn owls invading territory and also deforestation.

In the end the interview was very very successful and it was not exasperating at all.  It was actually kind of fun!

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