Archive | April 2020

Colonial America Diary Entries

In school we were making a project that had to do with Colonial America. So our teacher we were making our selfs be in a Colonial America place to we made diary entries to show our person the we are.




May 14, 1720

Dear Diary

Today is the day we moved to South Carolina. It is wonderful here,it has spectacular planting. I am so fascinated by her it will surely be a good life here in South Carolina. Also Alice, Edward, and Grace, who are my children, seem to enjoy this place a lot. 





May 25, 1720


Dear Diary

We already finished building our house and yesterday was James’ birthday, which is my husband . I am very sad because a week later after we built the house Pa died. We knew he would because he was very sick. Ma and I couldn’t cook supper for that day. We were both heartbroken. It was not a good day to remember, but Alice tried to cook, but she also didn’t feel so good after what happened to Pa.  





May 29, 1720


Dear Diary

Just yesterday I found out I am pregnant. I am very happy for myself. I told my Ma and she said she will have a big celebration with the family. I really wished Pa would be there. I still missed him very much.




June 4, 1720

 Dear Diary

I am supposed to work in the garden today, but my Ma is saying for me to rest because I will have a baby and my Ma wants me to rest as much as possible. Alice was taking  my place in the garde and Grace was in her place as usual .




August 12, 1720

Dear Diary

I haven’t written to you a lot, but nothing much is going on. Right now I am making supper. We were eating meat with potatoes and vegetables. Edwards’ birthday is tomorrow and we are preparing for it. I will make a special supper and a pumpkin pie. He is eight and he is becoming  nine. 





August 20, 1720

Dear Diary

Now I am making clothes for the children and Grace keeps complaining that Edward took her flowers to feed our lovely house named Ivy. Life is the same here, as it was back in England, but it is a more lovely place and we also have spectacular planting here. I really enjoy the place.





October 2, 1720

Dear Diary

When I was walking with my Ma and Alice and Grace to get some fresh meat for the family  near the docks I saw people getting slaves off the boat. I told my daughters not to stare, but I guess I felt so sad for the slaves I had to stare too.




October 25, 1720

Dear Diary,

I am showing Grace how to properly sew and something horrible happened. She pricked her finger hard into the needle she was crying so much. After what happened  I hated myself. I knew I should’ve thought later when she was older. I felt like a bad mother Grace tried to calm me down by saying it was not my fault.





November 3, 1720


Dear Diary

Today tis my birthday and my Ma making my favorite pumpkin and apple pie. We had a little celebration. That day I got the day of work and that means I didn’t have to cook supper. I really enjoy South Carolina.





November 20, 1720

Dear Diary

Graces Birthday! It was so fun. This is what happened: a stray sheep barged  into our house and it ran around the house knocking down all of the furniture. We had to chase it all around the house. It was a fun and very funny birthday.





December 9, 1720

Dear Diary,

Today was Alice’s birthday and this day I got ill. I was very ill so it wasn’t a good celebration. I felt really bad for Alice. She was a very good girl this year.





January 29, 1721

Dear Diary 

Today I had a baby. It was a boy I named him Charles. He looks like a very bright boy. Alice, Grace, and Ma sew him some blankets and clothes. I knew this child would be very special.