The last few lessons in tech have been all about atoms. 3 days ago we learned what atoms are. Atoms are really tiny things that almost everything is made out of. Atoms are the building blocks of the whole world. 2 days ago we learned about how big and small our universe is. Space is huge. It is so big that there are billions of universes just like ours. We are so tiny compared to all that. We are also huge. If the whole world was made of blueberries, that would be how many atoms are in a grapefruit. 1 day ago we learned about how we found out about atoms. Basically there were a bunch of guys who were really wrong about how the world works until this one guy, Queen Elizabeths doctor, guessed that everything is made out of tiny pieces of itself. Which was partly correct, everything is made out of something tiny, atoms,  but the there aren’t enough atoms for everything to have its own kind of atom. For example, there isn’t a water atom, there is hydrogen and oxygen, which create H2O, the water molecule. We did an experiment about how electrons are attracted to protons be rubbing a piece of wool on a PVC pipe and holding it up to a metal antenna which was connected to 2 pieces of aluminum foil, the whole thing covered in a glass container. When we held the pipe to the antenna the foil pieces would lift up. This is because the wool’s electrons get transferred to the PVC pipe and they get moved to the antenna. The PVC pipe is now only protons so the electrons in the foil get attracted to the pipe. I found atoms so interesting and it changed the way I look at things.