Ocean 2018

This year we got to pick our own ecosystem to research on. Personally, I picked the ocean because I have been interested in ocean life since I was little. The ocean is unique because it is home to many different species.


Producers, consumers, and decomposers are all a part of the ocean. Some Producers are algae, coral, seaweed, and plankton. Some consumers are sharks, whales, dolphins, walruses, seals, octopie, orcas, manta rays, eels, and polyp. Finally, one decomposer is Bacterioplankton.


You can find an ocean all over the world. Oceans cover almost 71 percent of the Earth’s surface. Tiny plants and animals are called plankton. Plankton supports every food chain in the ocean and lives in places such as coral reefs. Coral reefs are actually made from hard skeletons of small animals called coral polyps.

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