Capstone #1

This week my class started Capstone. Capstone is a project where we choose a topic were very passionate about and spend several weeks researching on. We need to have 3 web-based sources, 1 database source, 1 print source, 1 interview, and 1 site visit. The topic I chose, was Netflix because it’s something I use daily and I know other people use it to. I was also curious how it has changed over time. Before I picked Netflix, I was also thinking about studying hedgehogs. I wanted to do that because my sister has a hedgehog and I’ve always been interested about their spikes. But I had to think if it was something I wouldn’t get bored of because Capstone is a long project. Then, I was thinking about social media, but I knew it was a popular topic and that a couple people in the grade were already doing that. I also wanted to choose YouTube, but somebody else also was doing it and I didn’t want to do something someone else was doing. That’s what lead me to Netflix. I will keep you all updated!

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