Fantasy Unit #2

I find it comfortable that we kind of mix all the paragraphs and I think it’s interesting that we have some different steps. It is a bit challenging to be organized with the writing but I think it’s still easier. I like this type of paragraph better because you get to the point quicker and it’s not confusing. Overall, I think I did really good with the paragraph.

Fantasy Unit #1

This unit is probably my favorite one because I love fantasy. I don’t like writing or reading but I don’t have a choice so I’m happy this unit is fantasy. I love fantasy because you really need to use your imagination when reading it and there is always something interesting happening. It’s never boring. My favorite Fantasy book is “The Land of Stories.” I read the first book for this unit and I really liked it. I don’t read a lot of Fantasy but I’m hoping to read more of it after this unit. I really liked it because there is always something going on and you just always want to keep reading. The drama is very intense and I love how there is a land of a bunch of fairytales. The book I will be reading for this unit is, “The Name of This Book is Secret.” Then, I will read the second and third book of The Land of Stories” series. I’m reading all these books because a bunch of people recommended them and they’re very popular.

Refugee #2

I think the author who wrote “Refugee” chose to alternate all 3 chapters because everyone had a different story that connected to the same idea. The idea is that in those different parts of the world something bad is affecting them and their families. The author chose to do 3 different perspectives because they all have very different stories and cultures so whatever the problems the problems in their countries are very different.

Refugee #1

Refugee is about 3 different children, living in different time periods, who live in different parts of the world. Josef’s family lives in Nazi Germany in 1930’s but they’re leaving Germany to go live in Cuba because of the Nazi’s. Isabel’s family lives in Cuba in 1994 but they’re leaving because her father was rioting and his punishment is being taken to prison forever. Mahmoud’s family lives in Syria in 2015 but is going to leave because of the dictator. The reasons of why the kids families are leaving are similar because they were all being treated unfairly. The reasons of why the kids families are leaving are different because some of them are really affected of the reason but some aren’t.

3 Sentence Summary- Breakout by Kate Messner

In the book, “Breakout” by Kate Messner, Lizzie and Nora are best friends. The name of their town is called, Wolf Creek and It’s a very safe town, until two inmates broke out of the prison located in their town. They’re trying to figure out some clues so they can help on the look-out but meanwhile, a new kid moved into town because her family wanted to get closer to her brother who is in prison.

3 Sentence Summary-The One and Only Ivan

In the book, “The One and Only Ivan,” by Katherine Applegate, Ivan is a gorilla who lives in a domain at the “Exit 8 Big Top Mall,” with some of his animal friends like Stella and Bob. He gets visitors that are all different like kids that spit, throw stuff, and stick their tongues out, but whatever the kids do Ivan just ignores them. He might feel lonely and miss his family sometimes but most of the time he feels safe and tries to move on from the past.

Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams

This year I researched about Samuel Adams. I was interested in him because he was a part of the American Revolution. Samuel Adams was a strong men. I wanted to see what challenges he faced as a child and an adult.



Samuel Adams was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on September 27, 1722. Samuel had a brother named, John Adams. As a boy, Samuel studied at Boston Latin School. Samuel went to Harvard College when he was 14 years old. After graduating college, he studied law for a short time. Samuel’s father was a church minister.

Samuel got his name, (Samuel Adams) from his father.


Adult Life

Samuel never wanted to learn how to ride a horse. Samuel was scared to talk about independence, but by 1775 Samuel was talking openly about independence. Samuel was on the top of the Kings “most wanted” list of american traitors. Adams went to work as a businessman. Adams took a job as a tax collector in Boston in 1756. Samuel represented Massachusetts at the Second Continental Congress. Samuel worked to get the first United States Constitution approved. Samuel helped form a group called, The Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty was started to fight for their independence from Great Britain. Samuel Adams died on October 2, 1803, in Boston, Massachusetts.



He was born at the time Great Britain ruled Massachusetts and other American Colonies. Samuel didn’t want to learn how to ride a horse so, he had to travel another way, when everybody else rode horses. As a tax collector, Samuel learned about Britain’s unfair taxes. Adams often took extreme steps to fight British laws.


Impact On The World

Samuel fought in battles for our independence, and he helped American soldiers fight the British. Samuel was included in the American Revolution. Samuels work helped form the United States. Samuel continued to be a part of American politics even after the War of Independence ended.