Rube Goldberg #6

My group finished Rube Goldberg! Our Rube Goldberg machine took 20 tries for it to work but at the end it was worth it. A lot of other group’s Rube Goldberg machines took over 70 tries and ours didn’t even take more than 30 tries. The project took around one and a half hours to build and an hour to get it to work. We also finished making our iMovie about Rube Goldberg  in one day. The reason everything took so long is because when the dominoes fell we had to put them up again and sometimes when we were putting up the dominoes, they would fall again. The attempts that were most frustrating, were the ones that were so close to working. We even had Archie (the hedgehog) there, for when it worked. Once we finished, I was so proud because we made something incredible and at one point, I wanted it to be over because of how frustrating it was. I’m very happy because of the work we did but also a little sad because it’s over. The video will be down below if you would like to watch it. Hope you enjoy!


Rube Goldberg #5

I always thought Rube Goldberg was just a project that 5th graders do. But I never knew Rube Goldberg was an actual man. When I figured out Rube Goldberg was a person, I was shocked. It never came to my mind that Rube Goldberg was a name of a person. To me it was just a name of a cool project. One thing I also learned is that Rube Goldberg requires a lot of planning. You have to plan the days your group will meet for Rube Goldberg. You also have to plan what you’re doing that day. Last but not least, you have to plan how much time your group will meet and how you will fit what you have to get done in that period of time. Rube Goldberg taught me that you have to use your time wisely because you might not get a better chance to do your work altogether again. So far Rube Goldberg is going great and I’m sad it has to come to an end soon!

Rube Goldberg #4

My partners and I are at a good place in Rube Goldberg and we started building a while ago. We’ve only built  part of our Rube Goldberg but it’s looking really good. We’ve come up with some good ideas throughout the building process and trying to fit them in with what we already built. My schedule is very easy to work with because I’m only not free on one or two days a week, but my partners have a busy schedule that is not very easy to work with. Some days if two of us are free and the other isn’t, then the two people work with each other that day and then they fill in the person. One of the most difficult parts about building is probably setting up the dominoes. To set them up you need to have steady hands and thick dominoes. We wanted to do a cool design with the dominoes but they kept falling every time we would put them up. if we just did a simple line if it fell it wouldn’t take to long to put back up. Im so anxious about our final product but so far Rube Goldberg is going great!

Rube Goldberg #3

Today I started to build my Rube Goldberg. So far we didn’t make too many changes to our idea, but we figured out some little things that needed to be changed. Some of our materials we are planning on using are dominoes, a toy car, books, ping pong balls, golf balls, toilet paper rolls, popsicle sticks, a roll of duct tape, and car tracks. It’s really exciting to see our idea come to life and I’m very proud of what we have done so far. I thought the project would be much easier but, it took a lot more work than I thought. Some difficult parts were putting together the ramp we made with toilet paper rolls. It was difficult because we had to make it smooth enough so the ball doesn’t get stopped. We also had to make it sturdy enough because we will be rolling a golf ball down the ramp and golf balls are heavier then most small balls. Rube Goldberg is all about creating machines to do a simple task, and our simple task is feeding my sisters hedgehog. I’m so excited to see our final product and I can’t wait!

Rube Goldberg #2

For Rube Goldberg, each group had to make a sketch. The sketch has to include details and labels. The sketch is due February 12 and the idea on the sketch will probably change but the sketch will help to start building. We also have to make 3 blog posts by February 14. The blog posts have to include reasons on why you liked the activity or not and a little back story on the topic. The project also includes recording the attempts and when the group succeeds. You also have to make a list of resources you used for research on the person and the simple machines. The final video has to include the fails and successes. The list of resources and the final video is due March 6 while blog posts 4, 5, and 6 are due March 7. But technically the whole project is due March 7.

Rube Goldberg #1

My teacher assigned Rube Goldberg on January 28. Once my teacher assigned this project, I was so excited because I remember seeing my siblings do it and it looked like a lot of fun. After the project was assigned, I learned that Rube Goldberg was a man who worked as a cartoonist, engineer, inventor, sculpture, and author. Rube Goldberg was mostly known for performing simple tasks and making cartoons. He was born of July 4, 1883 and died on December 7, 1970. Once the project was assigned, my teacher showed the class some videos of students trying Rube Goldberg from previous years. What I learned from those videos is that Rube Goldberg takes many attempts and you can’t rush it.