Capstone #2: Choosing a main inquiry question and sub question

My main inquiry question is: How does geography affect the success of Ba-Tampte? 

At first I had a different question. And then a different question. The question was how does Ba-Tampte compare with it’s chief rival and how can they raise the sales? But I didn’t like it. I said “I want a question that involves geography.” I wanted geography because I thought there could be a lot of good sub questions.

My sub questions are:

  1. Where do the cucumbers come from?
  2. is Which states sells Ba-Tampte’s products in stores?
  3. Does the location of the cucumber affect the pickles taste?
  4. How are Ba-Tampte pickles made?
  5. How does a pickle become a kosher pickle?
  6. Where was Ba-Tampte first sold? How did the location of that area affect the sales in the beginning?

One thought on “Capstone #2: Choosing a main inquiry question and sub question

  1. Maybe next time you can tell us how you came up with the sub questions and the main inquiry question. But otherwise, nice job!

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