In science we did an experiment with plants. You plant 2 plants. 1 plant is manipulated and 1 plant is controlled. The controlled plant stays inside and the manipulated plant is the plant you will experiment with and compare with the controlled one. My hypothesis is that the controlled one will grow better because it has a good environment. My experiment is to see if planting the plant outside is better than inside. You need a box that has 4 squares to put the plant in, 2 seeds in each square, 3 fertilizers in each square, some soil, 1 wick in each square, and some water to plant it.The wick helps the water go up to the plant. First we took the box and put the wicks in the squares. Next we put some soil in the squares. Then we put 3 fertilizers in each box. After that we put soil on the fertilizer to cover it.Then we put 2 seeds in each square. After that we watered it.
Then my group put 1 plant outside and 1 plant inside that has a perfect environment. Then we wait for tomorrow and see what happened then compare it to each other. Since the first week my group saw that the controlled one was 2 cm or more and that there were new leaves sprouting on the plant. We also saw that it was green. We noticed that the manipulated plant was small and it was 0 cm and it was green. Comparing the controlled and the manipulated, the controlled one is growing better and that the manipulated plant is not growing that well. I wonder why?
Ab ove is a picture of the controlled