Capstone #6

I have finally finished my script and my google slides presentation! I have learned many things from putting this all together. I learned how to match the picture with what I am saying, and I learned how to use great vocabulary for my script. The hardest part for me was to actually write my script and add what I have learned from my research, site visit, and my interview. It was also hard for me to not get off topic with my script and get really good, clear pictures for my slide show. It was also hard for me to find someone to interview, and  find a place for my site visit. It was also hard for me to find resources, because what usually comes up in the internet are pictures of designed rooms.

The easiest part for me was researching – once I found the correct resources, it was very easy to get information from that article and/or website. Another easy part for me was to make the QR code in the end of my presentation, so people can get to my blog to see the process of my capstone. My next step is to memorize my script, and I am so excited to start memorizing! I am so excited for my presentation!

If you would like to learn more about my topic, these are the resources I used:
















Capstone #5

I have finally answered my main inquiry question, which is, “How has HGTV impacted interior design?”. I have learned so much!  On major thing that I learned was that HGTV definetly affects the interior design industry. I also learned that people are renovating more and more, and are expected to renovate more through the year 2021, because of HGTV. I also learned that HGTV is the fourth most viewed cable network in the US, which has more than 1.6 million viewers altogether, and that HGTV creates many trends.

I have learned so much from my interview, site visit, and research, and all of it was really helpful for my research, and I am so excited to put it all together in my presentation. Overall, I learned many things, and I can’t wait to start my google slides presentation!


Science Centers #2

On Monday, June 3rd, my class and I did a science activity. We had to do three different science experiments, but first we had to write a hypothesis. The experiments was about mixing colored sugar in different liquids. The liquids we used were oil, water, and vinegar.

The first experiment we did was mixing oil and colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the oil, then the sugar will sink to the bottom because sugar is heavier than oil and the sugar and oil will not mix. After we wrote our hypotheses, we mixed the the oil and the colored sugar together, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The sugar sunk to the bottom, and the sugar and oil separated.

The second experiment we did was mixing water and colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the water, then the color on the sugar will spread throughout the water, and the sugar will dissolve. Then, we mixed the water and the colored sugar, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The color in the sugar spread throughout the water, and the sugar dissolved.

The third and final experiment was mixing vinegar and the colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the vinegar, then the color in the sugar will spread throughout the vinegar, and the sugar will dissolve. My hypothesis for this experiment was similar to the hypothesis for the second experiment. Then, we mixed the vinegar and the colored sugar, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The color in the sugar spread throughout the vinegar, and the sugar dissolved after some time in the vinegar.

All of these experiments have a solvent and a solute. The solute for all of the experiments was the colored sugar. The solvent for all the experiments was the liquids. I learned many things from these experiments and I’m excited to do more in science.


Capstone #4


When I was planning my interview I had a hard time finding who I was going to interview. When my mom’s friends came over she told them about my capstone project on interior designing. Luckily, one of my mom’s friends had a brother who was an interior designer. His name is Mj Ringor, and I think that he is the best interviewee for my capstone, because he started interior designing because of HGTV. His friends started asking him to renovate some parts of their houses, and he made money off of that and started a small business called “Mundo” from the money his friends gave him. Now, his business is very big and gaining more success every day. If you would like to see his website, click this link: Mundo Design + Build

Sending the Questions:

When my mom told me about him, I was so happy because I knew he would give me so much information. Because my friend’s brother lives all the way in the Philippines, I couldn’t meet him in person, and I couldn’t call him either, because of the time difference in the Philippines. So, I emailed him my questions and waited for him to answer. Most of my interview questions have something to do with HGTV, and the best part is, is that he started from HGTV. It is very difficult to interview him because he is very busy and I’m not really sure when he might answer my questions.

Getting the Answers:

When I finally got the answers, I was so excited! I read all the answers and they had a lot of information. For each question, the answer was 1-4 paragraphs, and I was not expecting that. I am so glad that I got the answers because I don’t have to worry about when he is going to email the answers or if I’m going to get the answers on time. I learned many new  is things from making this interview, like expanding the questions a little more. I also learned many things from an interior designers perspective about how HGTV is influencing the design industry. An important thing that I learned from Mj Ringor is that HGTV is really affecting interior designers and the design industry.

I am so happy that I finally finished my interview and my site visit, and I can’t wait to move on to the next step of my capstone!

Science Centers #1

On Wednesday, May 22nd and 23rd, I did science activities with my science group. We decided to split up into twos. My partner (Alba) and I started our first activity. Our fisrt activity was called “Create It!”. We got a cup of beads and we sorted the beads by color. We name the physical properties of the beads on a piece of paper. Then, we mixed them back together. The next step is to write if the physical properties were different. Alba and I thought that the physical properties were the same because they’re still the same beads, but they’re just mixed together.

Next, we did an activity called, “Match It!”. We got cards and flipped all of them over. Each card either says a definition or a word on it. If you match the definition and the word, you write the word and the definition on a piece of paper, to keep track of what the word is and what it means.

Then we did an activity called, “Sort It!”. There were three columns that said, “Mixtures, Solutions, and Compounds. We got a several amount of cards and we had to sort them out and put them in the right columns. Then, we wrote what is the similarity between mixtures, solutions, and compounds.

the last activity we did was called, “Explain It!”. There was a recipe for lemonade and we wrote our observations from the information the recipe gave us. We wrote that the water and lemon juice is the solvent and the sugar is the solute, because the sugar dissolves in the water and the lemon juice.

In these three activities, I learned a lot about what mixtures, solutions, and compounds are. I really enjoyed these activities, and can’t wait to do more activities and experiments in science!

Refugee – Read Aloud

In class we are reading a book called “Refugee”, and have been talking about the theme of power. The main characters, Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud all had the power at a point, and by power I mean who had the control.

In Josef’s journey, Hitler and the Nazis had the power. Then, Hitler’s power faded away because more people were fleeing from Germany. When Josef and his family finally came to Cuba, the government denied them and sent them back to Germany, where there was still violence. So, the passengers on the ship took over the boat, then they had the power. The captain of the ship promised the passengers that he would stop at France, not Germany. Then, Josef had a new life in France, but then Germany invaded France which made a war, and then Germany had the power.

In Isabel’s journey, Fidel Castro (the dictator of Cuba) had the power. Then he lost his power. Since he had no more power, he let everyone from Cuba free to leave Cuba. When people left Cuba, they had the power. When Isabel and her family were at sea, sharks began circling their boat, and killed Ivan, Isabel’s friend. Then the sharks had the power. When Lito, Isabel’s family member, shot the sharks and scared them off, they had the power.

In Mahmoud’s journey, the war had the power. Planes were dropping bombs on buildings and there was smoke in the air. After Mahmoud and his family escaped, they reached the border of Turkey. Then soldiers started to shoot at them, then the soldiers had the power. After they escaped, they went on a small boat to get to Europe. Then, a storm appeared and everyone was in the water. Mahmoud had to give his baby sister, Hannah to people on another boat so she wouldn’t drown, then the storm had the power. Then, they felt powerful when they crossed the borders of Turkey, Macedonia, and Serbia. When they reached the border of Hungary they felt powerful. Then, Mahmoud got kidnapped, and that person had the power. Mahmoud and his whole family has been caught and sent to prison, and Mahmoud and his family lost their power.

Throughout all the stories of each character, they all had the theme of power.



Capstone #3

On Saturday, May 18, I went to a mansion in Tarrytown called Lyndhurst, and the mansion is 181 years old. The reason why I went there is because I wanted to see the designs inside the mansion when HGTV wasn’t a TV channel yet. When I went inside, I saw that there was a lot of wood furniture, couches that had vibrant colors, many chandeliers and bookshelves, detailed wallpaper, carpets, a lot of mirrors around the house, and many stained glass windows.

Now, homes have neutral colored walls, furniture, and carpets, potted plants, spacious rooms, not so detailed chandeliers, some mirrors in parts of the house (bathrooms, bedrooms, hallways, etc), and marble floors, sinks, and countertops.

What I learned from this site visit is that modern and older homes are very different. The main difference between modern homes and older homes is that modern homes have basic designs and furniture, that have colors like beige, black, and white, while older homes have very detailed designs and furniture, that has colors not many people would use today, like vibrant, greens, yellows, blues, and reds. This site visit taught me a lot, and it showed me what designs looked like before HGTV was a TV channel.


Capstone #2

After a long time thinking about this, I have finally found my inquiry question. My question is ” How does HGTV impact interior design?”. I wanted to do this question because, one of the main reasons why I’m researching interior designing is because I really enjoy watching  HGTV.

Since I have a main inquiry question, I have sub questions. My sub questions are:

  • How does HGTV inspire homeowners?
  • How does HGTV affect interior designers?
  • How does HGTV influence different types of themes for houses? Types of themes: modern, country chic, open concept
  • How does HGTV affect the trends? Types of floors, wallpaper, colors, furniture
  • How does HGTV affect the different types of materials for furniture? Types of materials: wood, granite, marble, quartz

It was a little challenging to find the main inquiry question and the sub questions because I easily get stuck when I’m thinking about something. I’m so excited to continue this project!

Capstone #1

For my capstone topic, I’m going to research interior designing. I always got so interested in interior designing ever since I started watching HGTV.

The hardest part for me was actually thinking / brainstorming ideas. There were so many things I was interested in and wanted to learn more about, but I chose interior designing. The easiest part was choosing between my top two choices. I really wanted to focus on a topic that I’m passionate about, so I picked interior designing.

I’m so excited to continue this project and I hope my project goes well!

Passion Project #8

I have enjoyed this project so much, and it was such a great experience to have. The easiest part of working on this passion project was baking. The hardest part for me was editing. This was one of my favorite projects to work on because it allows you to do something you’ve always wanted to do before.