Capstone #6

I have finally finished my script and my google slides presentation! I have learned many things from putting this all together. I learned how to match the picture with what I am saying, and I learned how to use great vocabulary for my script. The hardest part for me was to actually write my script and add what I have learned from my research, site visit, and my interview. It was also hard for me to not get off topic with my script and get really good, clear pictures for my slide show. It was also hard for me to find someone to interview, and  find a place for my site visit. It was also hard for me to find resources, because what usually comes up in the internet are pictures of designed rooms.

The easiest part for me was researching – once I found the correct resources, it was very easy to get information from that article and/or website. Another easy part for me was to make the QR code in the end of my presentation, so people can get to my blog to see the process of my capstone. My next step is to memorize my script, and I am so excited to start memorizing! I am so excited for my presentation!

If you would like to learn more about my topic, these are the resources I used:
















Capstone #5

I have finally answered my main inquiry question, which is, “How has HGTV impacted interior design?”. I have learned so much!  On major thing that I learned was that HGTV definetly affects the interior design industry. I also learned that people are renovating more and more, and are expected to renovate more through the year 2021, because of HGTV. I also learned that HGTV is the fourth most viewed cable network in the US, which has more than 1.6 million viewers altogether, and that HGTV creates many trends.

I have learned so much from my interview, site visit, and research, and all of it was really helpful for my research, and I am so excited to put it all together in my presentation. Overall, I learned many things, and I can’t wait to start my google slides presentation!


Passion Project #5

So far, I have written down some baking tips in my notebook, to help me bake blueberry lemon cream tarts. I got some tips from the website The tips that I wrote down are:

Tip #1: Always have the correct butter consistency

Tip #2: Room temperature is KEY

Tip #3: Read the recipe before beginning

Tip #4: Always have ingredients prepped

Tip #5: Learn how to measure

Tip #6: Weigh your ingredients

Tip #7: Get an oven thermometer

Tip #8: Keep your oven door closed

Here are some tips I made up from my experience:

Tip #1: Shake measuring tool – you’ll know if there’s space in the bottom of the measuring tool

Tip #2: Pound pan (muffin pan, cookie pan, etc) to get air bubbles out of the dough

Tip #3: DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN WHILE BAKING – whatever you’re baking will take longer to bake

I am so happy I found baking tips that will hopefully help me bake blueberry lemon cream tarts.