To build is to put parts together. It looks like pieces being connected together, sort of like a puzzle. I’m not the best at building anything and I don’t really have experience, but the closest thing to building that I’ve done is making a fort. While I was building this fort, I was thinking about what materials should I use and what will make this fort less likely to fall. I was building this fort with my friend, so we helped each other come up with materials to use. I don’t have or use this fort anymore because I made it a year ago. I enjoy building things but I’m not the best at it because I don’t have enough experience. I enjoy it because it’s fun to get random objects and make something out of it. Building is different from the actives that I usually do because when you build, you have to think carefully about what you’re doing. I play soccer, and soccer requires quick decision making so it’s a little hard for me to think very carefully.
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