Tech #9 – Designing my Flashlight

After I finished measuring the pipes, I started designing my flashlight. First, I though about what type of pipes to use in my flashlight. I decided to use a straight pipe, two connectors, a switch, and two round caps for the outside of the flashlight. For the inside of my flashlight, I have three wires, an LED light, and a battery. Then, I sketched my design on a separate piece of paper. I drew everything I wanted to use to make my flashlight in my sketch. After I did that, I started labeling each part of my flashlight.

Once that was finished, I drew my final sketch of my flashlight on graphing paper. The difference between this sketch and the one I did before is that I actually have to draw it to scale. By that I mean drawing the flashlight using the measurements. In the sketch, I had to draw the outside and inside of my flashlight. On the inside of my flashlight, I drew three wires, one battery, and one LED light. Since I’m finished with drawing my flashlight, my next step is to make the flashlight.


Tech #8 – Measuring Pipes

For the past few days, we’ve been working on measuring different types of pipes. We got a piece of paper that showed four different objects. Two were pipes, one was for connecting pipes, and one was for closing the open parts of the pipe. There were arrows going around each object. We had to put the measurements of the pipes where the arrows were. We measured the two pipes using a ruler, and wrote the measurements down next to the arrows. Then, we drew the pipes on graphing paper from scratch. For this part, we had to rely a lot on the piece of paper where we put all of the measurements for the pipes.

When you finish measuring the first pipe, you have to measure the second one. I repeated everything I did for the first pipe. I measured the pipe and drew the pipe on a separate piece of graphing paper. After you finish measuring and drawing the two pipes, you’re ready for sketching your design for your flashlight. I’m so happy that I finished the measurements and I’m so excited to start sketching my design for my flashlight.