Where are tropical rain forests? Tropical rain forests lie on the equator. The largest rain forests are in central Africa and along the Amazon River in South America. They are also found in Central America, Australia, Asia, and several islands in the Pacific.
Tropical rain forests are very unique. Tropical rain forests are unique because you can find a lot of things in a tropical rain forest. They also provide us with things. There are plants we use to make coffee and chocolate. Or species you’ve never even heard of. More importantly, many medicines can be made from plants found in rainforests. There might even be a cure for cancer in there somewhere!
There are a lot of animals in the tropical rain forest. There are consumers, producers, mammals, and more. Some of the producers in the tropical rain forest are Mahogany trees, avacados, figs, palms, tree ferns, philodendron, epiphytes, lianas, orchids, ferns, fruits, vegetation, vines, bushes, and shrubs.
Some of the consumers are sloths, spider monkeys, leaf monkeys, rodents, peccaries, tapirs, capybaras, macaws, toucans, katydids, caterpillars, snakes, crocodiles, quetzals, anacondas, caiman, jaguars, cougars, tree frogs, and lizards.
Tropical rain forests cover about 6% of Earth’s land. Tropical rain forests have helped us a lot. Instead of cutting down trees and destroying one of the most beautiful places in the world, we should do more for them.
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