Science Centers #2

On Monday, June 3rd, my class and I did a science activity. We had to do three different science experiments, but first we had to write a hypothesis. The experiments was about mixing colored sugar in different liquids. The liquids we used were oil, water, and vinegar.

The first experiment we did was mixing oil and colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the oil, then the sugar will sink to the bottom because sugar is heavier than oil and the sugar and oil will not mix. After we wrote our hypotheses, we mixed the the oil and the colored sugar together, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The sugar sunk to the bottom, and the sugar and oil separated.

The second experiment we did was mixing water and colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the water, then the color on the sugar will spread throughout the water, and the sugar will dissolve. Then, we mixed the water and the colored sugar, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The color in the sugar spread throughout the water, and the sugar dissolved.

The third and final experiment was mixing vinegar and the colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the vinegar, then the color in the sugar will spread throughout the vinegar, and the sugar will dissolve. My hypothesis for this experiment was similar to the hypothesis for the second experiment. Then, we mixed the vinegar and the colored sugar, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The color in the sugar spread throughout the vinegar, and the sugar dissolved after some time in the vinegar.

All of these experiments have a solvent and a solute. The solute for all of the experiments was the colored sugar. The solvent for all the experiments was the liquids. I learned many things from these experiments and I’m excited to do more in science.


Science Centers #1

On Wednesday, May 22nd and 23rd, I did science activities with my science group. We decided to split up into twos. My partner (Alba) and I started our first activity. Our fisrt activity was called “Create It!”. We got a cup of beads and we sorted the beads by color. We name the physical properties of the beads on a piece of paper. Then, we mixed them back together. The next step is to write if the physical properties were different. Alba and I thought that the physical properties were the same because they’re still the same beads, but they’re just mixed together.

Next, we did an activity called, “Match It!”. We got cards and flipped all of them over. Each card either says a definition or a word on it. If you match the definition and the word, you write the word and the definition on a piece of paper, to keep track of what the word is and what it means.

Then we did an activity called, “Sort It!”. There were three columns that said, “Mixtures, Solutions, and Compounds. We got a several amount of cards and we had to sort them out and put them in the right columns. Then, we wrote what is the similarity between mixtures, solutions, and compounds.

the last activity we did was called, “Explain It!”. There was a recipe for lemonade and we wrote our observations from the information the recipe gave us. We wrote that the water and lemon juice is the solvent and the sugar is the solute, because the sugar dissolves in the water and the lemon juice.

In these three activities, I learned a lot about what mixtures, solutions, and compounds are. I really enjoyed these activities, and can’t wait to do more activities and experiments in science!