I pushed to the front of the crowd of seven to look at the sheet with the Capstone share order. Oh, great. I was first. “Well, it was the little kids, so they don’t really care of you mess up.” I told myself. I was right. I wasn’t that nervous. At least we were performing in the library, not in the auditorium where there is a big stage. When I went and had a bunch of little second grade eyes looking intently back at me. I started talking, and all I got was blank stares. It went pretty well, and my friends said that I spoke loudly and slowly enough. I did it twice, because three classes came at separate times. The second time it also went well, and I wasn’t nervous at all.
The next day we had to share for the parents. That’s when I ran into a little bit of trouble. When I got up there, and looked at all their eyes trained on me, I got nervous. Theses people will actually understand what I’m talking about! My hands were shaking like maracas, but I flattened them on the edges of the podium like I’ve seen many professionals do. I put on my Soviet hat, which got everyone laughing and started talking. Everyone laughed at all my jokes, even the ones that weren’t funny, but it wasn’t a fake laugh like a “Oh, look how cute she is! Let’s laugh to humor her” kind of laugh, it was genuine. Overall, I was very happy with my outcome and proud of my presentation. If you are interested in it, look below!