Maglev Day 2

We used two strip magnets for the track, and two strip magnets for the train. Knowing the properties of magnets helped me because I that like poles repel, and opposite poles attract, and if I didn’t know that then I might of put opposite poles together and it would attract.


Most of the stuff that my group did failed. For example when we used disk magnets it did not work because they were all opposite poles. Another time we use magnets instead of tape the magnet on top attracted and it flipped over. I learned that I should listen to my teammates ( which I did not do ). But I changed and I listened to my teammates and we got it to levitate.


I learned that EDP can be frustrating i but it inspired me to keep going and to not give up.  I also learned that failure is okay you should also always think before you do stuff it also never ends.


Maglev Day 1

A Maglev train is a transportation system that transports people from place to place safely and efficiently. It works because there is no friction. The only friction that there is is air friction. My groups idea was five disk magnets on the train, and two strip magnets for the track.

Nothing worked on Friday. We failed on Friday because we put some magnets north to south. They were supposed to be  south to south.


Our group did not agree on everything. Some of my group were getting angry because nothing was working. I think we were a good group together because we finally agreed on something.