February 27

3D printing current event

Title:These Structures Take 3D Printing To A Whole New Level

Source:Dogo news   

Article date:September 22 2018   

News type:World  

Summary:You can make a house using a 3D  printer!!!!People have taken 3D printing to a whole new level.You can also make big art structures using a 3D printer to!!One of them is 24 feet tall and 42 feet wide!!The first barrack took 40 hours long to build.  

Personal response:I chose this article because I think it is cool you can make a house using a 3D printer.



February 5

Colonial America summary

The main idea is mostly about colonial america and what they did to survive.Native Americans had tribes.They hunted ,fished,and got lots of fruit.The southern colonies grew food and crops like tobacco,rice,and indigo but they mostly the slaves did all the work.The middle colonies had good farms and great harbors.The northern colonies had rich forests for timber.

February 5


 Jet lag essay   

I think that jet lag is really bad.My first reason is you can get sick.You can get a headache,you might cough a lot,or you might have a stuffy nose.When I was back from China.I was sick and Dad,Mom,and,I were up all night unpacking, settling down,and I was watching tv.I got to also watch lots of tv and it was great!! I even said”can I stay up a little longer”I pleaded.I liked watching tv but I did not like being sick.


My second reason that jet lag is bad is you don’t get that much rest when you come back from a trip and you are tired and jet laged.You might not be in a good mood or you might not be able to stay awake .My evidence is when I got back from China I not only was sick but I didn’t get any rest and I was up the whole night walking around the house with my parents all night doing nothing besides unpacking and settling down and watching tv.


My third reason is that you waste part of your trip with jet lag plus a few days of jet lag at home too.When we were home from China we took a week to recover from the twelve hour difference!! I was sick but I recovered.I think that jet lag is bad.It’s better to go to a place that is not as big of a time difference so don’t go to Asia a lot.If you live in New york go to anywhere in North america,South america, Europe,and maybe Africa.My message is don’t go to a place that has a huge hour difference all the time.


That is why jet lag is bad.