Rocketry #1


This week we have been doing rocketry in class. So far we have made inspiration boards our rocket design. 

When doing our inspiration board we had to do a lot of work. We look up any helpful quotes including the laws of newton and the famous quote of Neil Armstrong “ This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Next we did 2 rocket diagrams. The first one of a real rocket, The second one of a paper rocket. The only real difference is that the real rocket has an engine and the paper rocket uses a pump to produce air pressure to make it go through the pipe  to blast it off.

Once we finished the inspiration board we made a rocket design. The rocket design included four fins, and the nose cone. We did this on google drawing and used the different shapes provided to make our rocket design. Then we had to build.

When we were building we had to make the body, nose cone and fins we put this together with hot glue and electrical tape. Our team didn’t work together as good as I wanted to but in the end our group got it together and made the best rocket we could. Then we prepped for the launch.

Plant post day two

My question is if a plant would grow in sand instead of soil.

last week the plants were 1 – 1/2 inches this week my plant is 4- 4 1/2.

our plant has grown tiny pods. We don’t know what plant is growing but it seems like a bean because of the pods.

our flowers have been  pollinated and has lost its petals a lot of them have grown tall and have been growing upright some of the leaves have been turning yellow.That is normal and soon the pods are going to be big and all grown up.

Plant post one

My question is if I plant a plant in sand instead of soil will it grow?

My hypothesis is that the plant will grow just not as tall because sand has less minerals

My control plant gets water, soil and light and my manipulated plant gets water, sand and light


After the first week I saw that my control plant had grown to 1 1/2 inches and my manipulated plant is 1/2 an inch tall it is green and slightly tilting but it’s still growing.

next it started growing buds and if you looked closely you could see two different types of leaves.

The plant has grown and has stayed green both plants have been doing good so far.


Maglev Day One

A maglev train is a train that floats in mid air because of magnets.

In my maglev train we put strip magnets on the floor and cart and ring magnets on top of the strips.


When we made our track and train what didn’t work was that the magnets were attracting to the edges of the other magnets.

What did work was that all the magnets repelled from the others.


 What was challenging was how everyone had different ideas and some people disagreed with each other.In the end we combined our ideas.


I Am A Carrot

I started out as a little sprout

But now my leaves are grown.


I am a carrot


In Scarsdale,  Heathcote Garden that is where I’m from.

I have my friends the ants they rather like my stem.

I am a carrot


My neighbor Dragon has a nice long tongue.

The hot sun with a lot of breeze is very nice.

I am a carrot


Since I’m so crunchy and sweet

Although I’ll be a salad soon.

I am a carrot