Rube Goldberg #6

When I got into class, 4/18/16, Mrs.Edwards told me that we were going to the Computer Lab to make an imovie for Rube Goldberg. But we had a problem. Our group didn’t upload the video into drive. But when I told Jackson that, he said his mom emailed the video to Mrs.Edwards. Except that when we got to the lab, Mr.Casal said the we had to use the original video; so we couldn’t use the emailed version of it. Uh oh. But Jackson will upload the video to drive, and we’ll make the imovie tomorrow.

Rube Goldberg #5

Today in class, 4/12/16, I asked Jackson if he uploaded the video onto drive, but he said no, and that we weren’t doing an imovie.  I did not agree with him, and that we SHOULD do an imovie. But since he didn’t upload the video onto drive, we couldn’t do it now. He said we didn’t have to do an imovie, and just show the video separately. 

Rube Goldberg #4

We didn’t get to meet up for the forth time, sadly. Jackson and I worked in class to try and make an imovie for our bloopers, and our working project and the video explaining what the steps are. It turns out that we couldn’t upload a youtube video into drive. :\.  So we couldn’t make the imovie in class. Our computer teacher, Mr.Casal, said that Jackson, or whoever had the original video, had to upload it onto drive. So Jackson was going to do that, so we could make the imovie.

Poetry Anthology!!!


This is my DONUT poem.



Poetry Anthology, Donut


But if you can’t see it well, here’s the actual poem.





Donut, oh donut,

You look so good,

With all those different colors

And all the rainbow sprinkles,

They taste like candy,

And all those different flavors,

Chocolate, Vanilla, chocolate filled too

All the flavors that are loved by you,

But don’t eat too much

Or you’ll end up finding

Around your stomach

A donut of fat!

This is my second poem, but it’s definetly not my favorite, though. I was inspired to write this poem of my addiction to donuts, first of all, and the donut poem I wrote in third grade. It only took me 2 minutes!!!

This is the MATH poem.


Poetry Anthology, Math


If you can’t see it well, here’s the actual.




The thing about math,

Is not that it’s bad,

And I kind of like it.

Maybe it’s because

I am too good,

But I don’t think so.









Maybe that it’s because

Math has much to learn.

But probably not.

I have NO idea of

Why I like Math.

I actualy don’t like math that much. But I thought it would be cool if I wrote it in a point of view by a person who likes math. This poem took  about 5 minuets to write.

This is my BROTHERS poem!


Poetry Anthology, Brothers


If you can’t see it well, here it is.






Sometimes annoying,

And playful,



Joyful too,

But mostly Crazy

And annoying,


I want him to calm down.

And to leave me alone.

But he keeps on


And Bothering

And Bothering me.

So I push him away,

Tell him to stop.

And if he doesn’t,

He’s in for a surprise!

This poem was a poem that was based on my brothers who are SOOOO annoying! So I decided to write a poem on them. This one was easy to write because I already knew what I was going to write about them.

Here is my JUST ANOTHER POEM poem!

Sorry, but I didn’t make a google drawings for this one… 🙁

But here it is!

Just another poem


Just another poem

That was written by me

Plain and old and boring

Just as my poems would be

Weird topics

Odd words.

But all this is

Is just another poem.

An unusual tone

And not as precise,

As an author

Would write.

Poems by authors,

Not only rhymes,

But has good words,.

Good lines,

And topics that are just fine.

But poems that I write,

Are plain and old and boring,

Because it’s

Just another poem.

This was my poem in my pocket poem. I added it late at the last second. That’s why I didn’t have a google drawing on it. I added it because Mrs.Edwards said it was good, and that I should add it to my blog, and I did!




Soccer Poem Word Art

Soccer, Poem Anthology


Here is my real poem:

Soccer Game  


You start a new Soccer game

But this game isn’t lazy.

And the point of the game

Is to get the ball,

Into the goal.

But if you use you hands,

You’re in for a surprise

‘Cause you just gave the

Other team a prize.

And the sound of the breeze.

The sound of fan’s cheer.

The sound of the ref’s whistle,

I hear the ball rolling at me.

And suddenly

The ball is at your feet

And I dribble fast up close

Close your eye’s and shoot.

With 5 seconds left,

And its 1-1,

The sound of the ball

Hitting the net

Then you see

Teammates rushing at you

And screaming “YEAH”

And “WE WON”


Because you scored the winning goal.

On this poem, this was my third poem I wrote in 2016, and it only took about 10 minuets. I thought this poem would be the one that I would use for the Poetry Festival, but then I wrote another poem that I like better.

Rube Goldberg Meet Up #3

On our last meet up, we mostly just made videos. But at the start, we had someone shoot a rubber band gun at the marble to push it down the tube. But then Jackson’s mom said we should have someone kick another person in the butt, which would “activate” the shooting person. But Jackson kept failing at shooting the marble. So we just made up the “Poker 2000.” And we had “Yohan Goravich” (a.k.a Ben Yacoub) Who made the “Poker 2000” (a.k.a Jackson Fielding) poke the marble into the tube.