Friend Essay

I had a good friend in Greenacres. My friend and I have a lot of differences, but we also have some similarities. For example, we both like to play with each other, we both like to play sports, and we both cheer who is sad up. We were always kind to each other. Here are the similarities:

The first similarity my friend and I have in common is that we like to play with each other. One example is, when I was still in 3rd grade, we used to call each other if we could play at the park. Our parents always let us since they thought it was like exercise. We had a lot of fun playing together. We had to start at about 7:00 and we had to end at 8:00. But between those times, we had lots of fun at the park. That was the first similarity.

The second similarity my friend and I have in common is we both like to play sports. We usually play basketball at recess together, we play football rarely, and we do some other sports. He was better than me by a little but still, he played fair. When we played basketball, he played by the rules. My friend and I used to play some sports together. That is our second similarity.

Our last similarity is that we both cheer up each other if one of us is sad. One time he cheered me up is when someone was playing unfair so I left. My friend followed me to cheer me up. One time I cheered him up is when my group of friends were playing basketball with us, someone started being mean to my friend. He went to the field. I followed him to cheer him up. That is our final similarity.

My friend and I are kind to each other, fair to each other, and we have some similarities. He was always kind to me. I hope that I could see him another day. He was one of my best friends ever since I moved. I hope I see him again.

My Mom Can Make Me Feel Better In A Lot Of Ways

Many people don’t think that my mom makes me feel better. But, she actually helps me a lot. She makes me feel better when I am injured , she makes me feel better when I’m stuck on something hard and I feel like I’m never going to finish, and she makes me feel better when I am sad. Do you have someone to make you feel better? I do. My mom helps me a lot.  Here are some examples of how my mom can help me.

One way my mom makes me feel better when I am injured. For example, one time I was injured and got stitches, she tried to make me feel better by letting me try to forget about it. Then, the stitch place started to feel better. After a long time, the stitch place didn’t hurt anymore. My mom tries to make me feel better when I am hurt by trying to make me forget about it.

My mom also makes me feel better when I am stuck on something. I sometimes feel like I am never going to finish. Then, my mom tried to calm me down. Then she gave me a idea to try to help me. After that, I actually thought I could do it. My mom helps me when I am stuck on something by calming me down. That is how she helps me when I am stuck on something.

Finally, my mom makes me feel better when I am sad. First, when I am sad, she asks me, “ What’s the matter?” Then I told her what’s wrong. I feel a tiny bit better. Then my mom tries to figure what started it. Then, after a few minutes I feel nothing. My mom helps me by helping me figure out a solution to my problem. My mom helps me when I am sad by cheering me up.

After writing this, I realize that my mom helps me a lot of times in my life. She helps me in a lot of ways. I hope that later in life, I could help myself. Then my mom wouldn’t have to help me. Anyways, My mom is one of the best helpers in my life. She helps me in a lot of ways. She is one of the best helper in my life !!!

Bespectacled Praying Mantises Surprise Researchers With A New Form Of 3D Vision

In the article by Maitreyi Mantha, she explains that stereo, or 3D, vision is what enables humans to gauge the depth and distance of surrounding objects. The left and right eye capture slightly different images and send them to the brain, which merges them and then calculates proximity of everything in the vicinity. This ability, which requires an intricate network of neurons and lots of processing power, can also be found in some animals, including the only insect– the praying mantis.

The insects cool ability, was particularly intriguing to someone given that its tiny brain has a million neurons. However, humans have 100,000 times more.

Jenny Read and researcher associate Dr. Vivek Nityananda began by creating a custom pair of tiny 3D glasses that were fitted with a blue and green filter, so that the praying mantis could see a different image in each eye. Then, they put the glasses on the insect but it was tricky. It was hard. They needed to do a lot of things in order to put the glasses on the praying mantises eyes. They had to freeze the praying mantis because the praying mantis is in a hunting position so they needed to freeze it just in case they get hurt.

The praying mantis has really cool abilities including having lots of neurons and it is also the only insect with processing power.

Personal Response: I chose this article because I thought insects had very different abilities from other insects so when I saw this article I chose it. The praying mantis has a very cool ability.

Tweet: Amazing! The praying mantis has a very cool ability!

Here are some links:

photo credit: Newcastle university


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