The Switch Game! (Post #6)

Last Friday, we played a game with our switches. First, we learned about self-driving cars 🚘. They’re still not perfect, and you can’t always trust them. For instance, someone had a self-driving car, and they got too comfortable (he started watching Netflix). The car sensed a truck as an overdrive, which are things like bridges 🌉 and stuff like that, so the car tried driving under the truck, and the driver died in the accident. Anyhow, the game was this: We used three of our switches and a poker deck. If one card was red, we flipped the switch that was on the side of the red card. If both cards were red, we flipped the middle post. The goal was to see how long it took for the deck of cards to run out and how many mistakes you made. It was fun. My score was one minute three seconds. And that is the switch game!

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