Rube Goldberg Project #1 – Thinking of Ideas

We recently found out we were going to do a project that caused a chain reaction and performed a simple task. From what I heard from my brother and 5th grade alumni that it was going to the peak of science. As I watched my brother 4 years ago I was fascinated at how much thought was put into it, using several different items you would find sitting around your house. As I watched my brother and friends fail and succeed I thought, “Wow I can’t wait to be in fifth grade!” Me and my friend, Lilly had the same reaction at this point. As we digitally face-timed day and night and sketched we were amazed at how many things you could put into this project that seemed logical.

We thought of many creative ideas like:

  • Squeezing a orange and making juice
  • Pouring cereal and milk into a bowl
  • Pouring juice into a cup
  • Squeezing toothpaste on a toothbrush
  • Assembling a hamburger
  • Opening a umbrella
  • Turning off a alarm clock
  • Applying a band aid

We finally chose squeezing a orange which we thought was the most creative and logical. Then it was time to sketch. As we sketched, we realize both of our sketches would never work with our idea. It seemed too easy. Of course something went wrong. Our idea to squeeze a orange was way to complicated. As we figured out, pouring cereal or juice would be the better choice. We never gave up on our ideas which made our work pay off. This quote we think represents our work best. This quote gave us the push we needed to work harder and to be devoted towards all your work. “Failure is part of the process to success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”

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