Expert book

I just made my first published book, an expert book about wolves. I  spent many weeks on it and I put a lot of work into it. I think you will like it.  

I chose this topic because they’re cute and they’re my favorite animal. I also chose this topic because wolves are BRUTAL and DEADLY.

I enjoyed making this book because I got to research about wolves and because we learned how to add a link, add pictures, post it on our blogs, and more. The challenging part was remembering to do it at home.  I hope you will enjoy it because here it is:

The History of Typography

During our class time in the computer lab, Mr. Casal showed us a video about the history of typography. After watching this video I learned
that typography is just different styles of writing. I also learned the German man invented typography.  Also I learned that  helphetica was the worlds favorite. I think that the video was cool and must of tuck along time to make. I think that the video was stop motion animation. my favorite is sans serif because the serifs look weird. The modern looks like  this. modern has thin serifs and thin contrast between thin and thick. I learned that William Caslon the 4th invented the sans serifs.

here is the video we watched:

The History of Typography by Ben Barrett-Forrest from Dezeen on Vimeo.




I’m in a beautiful Garden called Heathcote sitting in the middle. 

With my bright green stem and roots deep under the ground with my yellow flower.

I’m a sunflower .

I feel a breeze making my stem  sway left to right in the burning sun

With my friends red tomato,sunny rattish  mr. eggplant.

I’m a sunflower.

And bees buzzing next to me.

Last month I was so much smaller and my leaves were more dainty.

Next month I will be freezing cold and I will be dead.

I’m a sunflower.