May 5


Hey, readers!

After April break, we started. . .

Drumroll please. . .

CAPSTONE! If you don’t know (you should!), capstone is a HUGE project that all fifth graders in Scarsdale do. Basically, you pick a topic by doing a bunch of surveys, do a LOT of research (and by a lot I mean A LOT!), and  make a big presentation, typically a trifold, and present it at the end of the year.

I am doing animal testing. I don’t support it, but I still want to learn more about it. I have found some really great information. For example, did you know that over 12 million animals get tested on EVERY YEAR?! Also, over half of animals tested on are mice, and only 25% are rats. The term lab rats should be lab mice! I found some really cool information from this video: I learned what animals get tested on from this cool picture:

I interviewed Lola Hernandez, a employee at Lush. Lush is a non-animal testing company, which I support. Be sure to leave a comment about what you think of animal testing!

See you next time!


March 13


I’m in a daze

Thinking about snow days

Powder and flakes

Falling from the sky

Hot chocolate and cakes

And baking pies

Making a snowman

For breakfast pancakes in a pan

Snow ball fight

That lasts all night

Today I’m thinking about tomorrow

And how the snow will flow

There’s just one problem

That makes me glum

What makes me fret

They haven’t called a snow day yet.

March 6

Human Rights

Human rights are part of our every day life, but we don’t always notice. In fact, most take it for granted. Everyday people don’t usually notice, but our every step, move, and choice are because of human rights. Without these things, life as we know it would be just a memory. The 30 rights are more than just words on paper, although that is what they are. They are what get us through the day without being enslaved, tortured, spied on, or having our country turned to a dictatorship. They let us marry, divorce, learn, and have a freedom to express ourselves. Human rights lets you do things you might not be able to if the UN hadn’t come together to make the Universal Declaration. Human rights are the only thing that brings all humans together with a common law. Human rights are made of bans and freedoms, safety and protection, life and death.

Human rights are made of us.

January 24

What I like: minions and acting

Bello, and welcome back to my blog! Today, I am posting about my 2 true passions: minions and acting. When I grow up, I want to be an actress who speaks fluent minionese. I’m still working on that last part.  I love both of these things equally, but let’s get real: minions first.

Minions are, obviously, the best things in the world. Well, maybe some few rare things surpass that, but not really. If I had to choose between meeting Bob or having an everlasting supply of good food, I would choose Bob. Bob is my favorite minion because he is funny, cute, and he has an adorable teddy bear. Some say that my obsession with minions is absurd, but to that, I say pish. Minions are cute and lovable, plus they are comical, yellow, and funnily (is that a word?) evil. So, what’s not to like?

Acting, my other favorite thing, is equally sensational. I love to act. My first moment when I decided that I wanted to be an actress was when I was in the creative drama and improve after school club. I only had I few lines, but I had memorized the whole script. Then, at camp, we did a mini show and I loved it. Since then, I have been doing lots of acting related things, such as the school play (I’m Peter Pan), and another out of school play, Peter Pan. I don’t know what role I will be yet. I love acting.  When I am a famous actress, you can say that you read my blog now. Comment now before I have security!

January 17

Meet Jade

Welcome to my blog! My name is Jade. I am ten years old. I like soccer, basketball, and swimming, chocolate, minions, traveling and Italy. I also LOVE solar energy and I wish that every house had solar panels. For more info about this amazing thing, click here, here, here, or here. When I grow up, I want to be an actress or a writer. I go to camp Nah-Jee-Wah, and it is my favorite place in the U.S.A. I love rock climbing, diving boards, and any other high things. I have two older sister. I don’t like above 95 degree weather, math, the number 7, spelling, or the color pink. I really don’t like losing. I am a very competitive, stubborn and awesome. My 3 favorite movies are Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2, and Minions. My favorite minion is Bob. Get the picture?