Colonial America – pt2 – Persona

My name is William jr and my brother is William and he is a slave, but I am an indentured servant.I came to the new world for a new life and freedom.Unfortunately I did not have enough money to come to the new world to be a free man, so I decided to go anyways and work off my time. I was eventually bought and soon enough I was working on a plantation in the Southern colony.Usually I work around the house for everyone that includes the man, the woman, and the man and women’s daughter.Everyday I usually look forward to working in the field with my closest friend Jason who is a slave. I am looking forward to starting my own farm once I work off my time and then I will give my crops to families in need who basically spent all their money on the trip but now they have nothing. Also when I work off my time I will help those families build houses for themselves.

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