
My group worked on making the rocket aerodynamic so there would be no drag. Drag slows the rocket down when it takes off from the launch pad. The rocket is 1 and 3/4 bottles. The nose cone was secure with 3 layers of duck tape.          our group fought a lot. sometimes the only person who seemed to calm E.Z and I down was N.B . Very suprising .          Our wings were made from cardboard and Styrofoam. We hot glued them on . E.Z then covered the cardboard wings with green and white Duck tape . After everything was on , we added the extra layers of unneeded weight. I am very excited for the launch on TUESDAY !!!!

The wings took a while to make. The Styrofoam was hard to cut and O.G messed up cutting the first one, so we had to start over with the wings. We were told to trace the Templet 3 times first and then to cut the wings out. I sandpapered them to perfection. Now the wings just cracked and the teacher will fix them and then hot glue them on. E.Z sandpapered the new wing and then had to start over and make a new one because the wing was too small. The finished wing is now almost thew right size and shape.

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