Max Schmeling Plays a large role in Karl’s life

When the character Max Schmeling , the professional boxer that is friends with Karl’s father, is introduced in the story Karl’s life quickly begins to change. his father always said that he knew Max  but Karl never believed him when he would say that. maxed is a professional boxer who is also a former heavyweight champion. when Max enters Karl’s life he immediately looks up to him as his hero. When Max asks to see the painting of him, he says that he will pay by giving Karl boxing lessons after he was beaten up by a group of boys in his school. When Max says this to Karl’s father, he hesitates because his family needs the money but ultimately decides 2 have Max give Karl lessons. Before Max leaves the art auction, he tells Karl that every boxer has to be able to do the 300. The 300 is a training platform for boxers and it is 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 50 pull-ups, and 50 minutes of running each day which adds up to 300. In the next few days after he had met Max, Karl attempted to do the 300 over and over again only not able to do the pull-ups and push-ups. Max Schmeling quickly becomes a large inspiration in Karl’s life and I think Max will continue to play a large role in Karl’s life.