Rube Goldberg Post 4

In our last meeting, we brainstormed some more ideas to use in our Rube Goldberg. I told Matthew and Santi about my acid base reaction idea and they thought it was really cool. My mom showed them the idea with an experiment. We got ready to build a small contraption to have the baking soda fall into the cabbage juice to cause the reaction. We made it by using some tin foil and putting it in a position so the ping pong ball will hit it, spilling the baking soda into the cabbage juice. After we did that, we started building some decorations for our Rube Goldberg. After that, we tested the Rube Goldberg some more, to make sure it is in perfect condition, fixed things that didn’t work, and tried to think of more ideas we could use for our Rube Goldberg. We kept working on  the Nerf Gun idea from last time, but wasted a lot of time because it just couldn’t work properly. After that, we felt we had accomplished a lot and went for a well deserved break.

Rube Goldberg Post 2

Our group tested the different steps in our Rube Goldberg. After we tested all of the parts separately, we combined some parts and tested them, like the reverse track (1st blog post) and the chain.

Most of the time, the parts we tested worked, but sometimes they didn’t work and we had to find out what was wrong, change it, and test it again. After we finished testing one part, we would move on and start testing the next part. We tested a bunch of parts and had to use makeshift supports too. Some parts are easier than others, and some parts were challenging like the chains and dominoes. Matthew also brought in a paper funnel we needed for our Rube Goldberg. After a lot of testing we thought we had a pretty solid Rube Goldberg. We also tested some Marble Run things for another part of our Rube Goldberg. Then we took some notes on a notepad and started discussing what we would do in our next meeting.

Rube Goldberg Post 1

Currently we are doing a Rube Goldberg project. A Rube Goldberg is a really complex contraption to do a simple task. For example, you could have all kinds of pulleys and levers and tubes and all kinds of other stuff, just to push a soccer ball into a net.

First we made a plan of what our Rube Goldberg would be like, and what the task would be. We decided that our task would be to get a ball into a basket. After we were done with our plan, we started researching ideas for our Rube Goldberg. When we were researching what we could use in our Rube Goldberg, our group, Matthew, Santi and I, came across some videos with some Rube Goldberg ideas we could use. We got this really cool reverse track idea and a bunch of other really cool contraptions like a funnel, a tube, a chain, and some dominoes.

After we got a lot of ideas, we started planning and testing some of our things. Mostly things went well, but when some things got difficult, we got distracted  a bit and didn’t focus on our work. But after a while we got back to our work and got thin done. Some things were challenging when we worked on our Rube Goldberg. For example, some things took lots of precision to set up, and when we tested it, it didn’t even work! Those times got us really frustrated. But after some time, we made it work by moving the parts and trying the parts several times. One part was the reverse track, and we had to make the ball fall on to the track. We fixed the parts but our group had to go back home.

Our Rube Goldberg is still far from done but we are working on it and things are going pretty well. At our next meeting we plan to build and test some more of our Rube Goldberg and move some things to my basement. We will also start planning the 2nd blog post.


Rube Goldberg Post 3

For our meeting, we tested our Rube Goldberg a bit more. We changed it a bit so the chance of failure is a lot lower. We changed a ramp so the ball would have a higher chance of hitting the dominoes. The ball used to miss the dominoes a lot. That’s why we had 37 fails from our meeting on Friday. (2nd blog post)We had our first success after 42 fails!

After our success, we decided to add some more steps to our Rube Goldberg because our Rube Goldberg was around 50% ramps and dominoes. We added a marble run contraption, which was really challenging. (A marble run contraption is a contraptions made of all kinds of tubes, and a marble goes through whatever contraption you built.)We had to secure the contraption with lots of tape. Once we did that, we discussed how else we can improve our Rube Goldberg with some really cool ideas, like a Nerf gun in the beginning. and went downstairs because our meeting had to end soon. After the meeting ended, my mom and I discussed some more ideas for the Rube Goldberg. My mom got a really cool idea that had something to do with acid base reactions. Now I’m super hyped for our next meeting!!

Feature Article Podcast Reflection

This is the link to my podcast.

The process for making the podcast was really long and hard. First we had to write out a script fro our podcast. Then we had to rehearse it a lot. Then we had to get a box and a microphone and record our podcast until it was just right. It is really hard to record because in the microphone your voice sounds really unnatural. After we recorded the podcast, we had to edit it. We had to add automation, add music, rerecord things etc. After we were done editing, we published it and put it onto our drive. Then it was pretty much done. Another thing that made the podcast harder was that we had a deadline and we only had 4 boxes and microphones so so we had to take turns. Our podcasts also had to be around 2 minutes long. In conclusion, the podcasting was really hard but our hard work totally payed off.