Capstone Blog Post 2

Recently, for our Capstone project we made main inquiry questions. A main inquiry question is a question related to your topic that you want to find out the answer of. For example, if your topic is the violin, your main inquiry question could be how violins have changed over time. My topic was robotics, so my main inquiry question was how the structure and functions of robots have changed over time. After we made our main inquiry questions, we had to make sub-questions. Sub-questions are basically smaller, more specific questions based of of your main inquiry question. We had to make 5+ sub-questions and have Mrs.Robert check them. The process was not very difficult because of a tool called the curriculum wheel. As I explained before, I made a lot of questions and chose a few of them as my sub-questions. But, we had to pick the best questions. We couldn’t pick any question and be done. Then we wrote the questions on a google doc and waited for Mrs.Robert to call you to check your questions. Personally, I’m really nervous because I don’t think my questions are good enough. Even so, things can still turn around.

Capstone Blog Post 1

A few days ago, we were assigned the Capstone project. We had to pick a topic and research it a lot, and after a month or so of preparation, we have to present it in some way. The first step in the process was to pick a topic and a backup topic. We got to pick a topic only we were interested and do whatever we wanted unless it wasn’t approved. I was really interested in robotics, and I also liked gemstones a lot so I picked Robotics as my topic and gemstones as a backup topic. After that we had to generate some questions using a curriculum wheel, which is a circle made up of many categories such as science, math , art, music, economics, and a few more. we had to generate our questions based off of the different categories. If we were done we would wait for Mrs. Robert to check our questions, and then we would pick our favourites. We also did some pre research on our topics. Personally, I’m not very excited about Capstone, but this is just the beginning of the process so things might turn around.

Welcome to 5th Grade!

My 5th grade year has begun! I look forward to the field trip to Philadelphia. I also look forward to going to a Peruvian restaurant with senor Johnson. I am not looking forward to capstone because you have to do lots of research and it will be very hard work. . I am also looking forward to the Halloween party because you get to have fun and eat snacks. My goals are to become a better writer and a better reader. Right now I am thinking that 5th grade will be good, and hopefully I am right!

Feature Article Podcast Reflection

This is the link to my podcast.

The process for making the podcast was really long and hard. First we had to write out a script fro our podcast. Then we had to rehearse it a lot. Then we had to get a box and a microphone and record our podcast until it was just right. It is really hard to record because in the microphone your voice sounds really unnatural. After we recorded the podcast, we had to edit it. We had to add automation, add music, rerecord things etc. After we were done editing, we published it and put it onto our drive. Then it was pretty much done. Another thing that made the podcast harder was that we had a deadline and we only had 4 boxes and microphones so so we had to take turns. Our podcasts also had to be around 2 minutes long. In conclusion, the podcasting was really hard but our hard work totally payed off.


My Expert Book Reflection

I chose Learning Chinese for my expert book. First we chose what are chapters were. We did boxes and bullets of our chapters. After we chose our chapters we started writing them. I almost switched my topic. I found it pretty hard writing my book. It was also hard to find the pictures. I took the longest typing my chapters. I thought it was  going to be  really hard but it turned out really fun!