Feature Article Podcast Reflection


This is the link to my podcast.

The process for making the podcast was really long and hard. First we had to write out a script fro our podcast. Then we had to rehearse it a lot. Then we had to get a box and a microphone and record our podcast until it was just right. It is really hard to record because in the microphone your voice sounds really unnatural. After we recorded the podcast, we had to edit it. We had to add automation, add music, rerecord things etc. After we were done editing, we published it and put it onto our drive. Then it was pretty much done. Another thing that made the podcast harder was that we had a deadline and we only had 4 boxes and microphones so so we had to take turns. Our podcasts also had to be around 2 minutes long. In conclusion, the podcasting was really hard but our hard work totally payed off.