Rocketry Blog Post #4

Launching the rocket was so much fun because I want to see how high it went so badly and I was excited and graphing.

Our launch went so high, I was so surprised. Everybody launch got off the launchpad and we got to launch a second time after we had already launched. I was the launcher and placer it was fun because I got to launch the rocket. For the second launch, I was the air pumper. When I was clinometer reader the rocket went passed where I thought it was going to go so I jerked my hand up and the reading way too high. This launch was so much better because it went so much higher.

Our rocket went 129ft or 39.5m in the air. We are changing our fins from cardboard to foam because it weighs less.

We worked well during the launch but when we finished launching Reid and I forget that we were clinometer readers so when we saw Charlie over there we quickly ran to our station. We worked okay with graphing we argued a little over the height but other than that we were okay.

Rocketry Blog Post #3

Building the rocket was so much fun. I kept thinking to my self will this go high enough because I thought we put to much tape on the rocket.

We did change the body much smaller because all the other groups had small and thin bodies and their rockets went much higher than ours. 

Everything went well we chose our body size, we made it smaller. We had to ask Mrs. Cooper if we could make the fins smaller because if we didn’t our fins would be half of the length of the rocket.

We built a Superman rocket because we used a red body and Yellow and blue tape. For the fins, we colored one fin blue another red and another yellow.

We all worked well together when we designing the rocket we argued a little. When we building the rocket we also worked well but we had a first design but when we put it in the folder overnight it exploded.

Rocketry Blog Post#2

Launch and Graphing the rocket was fun because I have never done anything like it and it was new to even though my group’s rocket didn’t go as high as other groups it was still fun.

We at first we messed up the launch because we didn’t know how to do it. All of our classes rockets work and went into the air. I was the countdown person and retriever when I was counting down I was so excited and when I got our rocket the nose cone was broken from the landing. The clinometer reading was fun I liked pointing the clinometer and things.

Our rocket went 67ft in the air. We will make the body much smaller because all the other groups had small and thin bodies and their rockets went much higher than ours.

Our team worked well together during the launch we all were fine with our jobs. During the graphing, our team did not argue over the height or anything.

Rocketry Blog Post#1

Designing the rocket was so much fun can’t for the launch.

Our inspiration board helped when we were picking fin design because we had no idea what to do for a fin design.

We built our rocket with the thick PVC pipe and the oak tad paper we use three fins in the shape of a cut triangle we used a smaller nose cone for our rocket and we used a taller and longer body. 

The reason we used a longer body is that we think it will make it go higher and we chose a thinner nose cone because it will brush more air away.

Our group was arguing over what fin design to do for the rocket. 

Teatown Reflection

My favorite pat of the trip was the part where you could move the sand and it would tell you the height by show a color and each meant a height white was the tallest and light blue was below sea level and if you put your hand above the sand it would start raining. My other favorite was the model because it showed how building all these buildings can hurt the environment and it can pollute the Earth.

The first I learned was that hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere. The second thing I learned the air temperature changes the water temperature.

You could add a activity on how we can save water and talk ways to save the fresh water because we limited amounts of it.

Maglev Post #3

Maglev Post #3


For the track we put 1 strip magnet on each side of the track and 1 strip magnet in the middle then had 4 disc magnets above the strip magnet in the middle and 4 bellow the strip magnet in the middle so we would have used 3 strip magnets and 8 disc magnets for the track. For our first idea for the train was to put 1 strip magnets on each side of the train and 4 disc magnets in the shape of a diamond and 1 disc magnets in the middle of that. So we used 5 disc magnets and 2 strip magnets.

Our first idea didn’t work with the disc magnets so we got red of the disc magnets,but we also got red of the strip magnet in the middle of the track so all we had left was strips on side of the track and 1 strip magnet on each side of the train,but luckily it levitated.


For the track we put 3 strip magnets on each side of the track so it can levitate higher with the rocks and for the train we put 1 strip magnet on each side of the train so the magnets wouldn’t have to lift a lot of weight.

I thought and felt good working with my group because we let everyone talk and share their ideas with the group and we were very successful.

Blog Post Plants #3

After we pollinated 3 times we started to see seed pods, seed pods are a part that holds the seeds. Everyday since we saw the seed pods getting bigger and bigger.


On the first day of the week in controlled cell 1 the plant is dead 🙁 and the color was white but, the tallest plant was 15 cm tall and the next day the tallest plant was 16 cm tall  and they were green we saw flowers and the next day the tallest plant was 16 ½ cm tall cm the color was green and the next day the tallest plant was 17 cm tall the color was still green and finally we saw seed pods :). The next day the tallest plant was still 17 cm tall the color was still green and we saw more seed pods the next day our tallest plant was 17 cm tall again the color was still green and even more seed pods.


For the manipulated it was pretty much the same as the controlled except cell 1 didn’t die.


I think the flowers will fall off because we pollinated and when you pollinate the flowers come off so the seed pods have room to grow.

Blog post plants #2

Our plants are very cool let me tell a little about them.  On the 3rd day our plant was 1 ½ cm tall at the color was green and the plant wasn’t falling over and at the end of the week our tallest plant was 5 cm tall and the color was green we did not see any buds or flowers and the plants started to fall over. On the first day of the next week the tallest plant in controlled was 5 cm tall and the color was green still no buds and no flowers and now it was really starting to fall over. Then after the weekend we started to see buds and the tallest plant was 12 cm tall and the color was still green and finally we decided to put steaks to hold up the plant steaks are things the you stick into the soil to hold up the plant. The next day nothing really changed, but the next day… we started to see flowers and the tallest plant was 13 cm tall and the color was still green.


Now onto the manipulated for the first we started to see buds was the same day we started to see buds on controlled and the same for flowers.


I think this happen because we watered every single day and the plants got right number of nutrients from the soil and water so the plants grow a lot from only 3 cm tall and no buds or flowers now we see 16 cm tall we also saw buds and flowers.

Maglev Post #2

Maglev Post #2


We only used strip magnets because we realized that the disc magnets didn’t work as well as the strips did, what we did with the strip magnets is we put 2 of them on each side of the track and for the train we did the same thing as the track. That worked really well.


We didn’t fail a lot, we had to start over because we did not know what in world we were doing the first day.


Our goal is to add more passengers to the train, but we also have to add more strip magnets on the track. Also another goal is to maybe add things to the train.