Computer Science is Changing Everything Blog Post

The past 3 centuries have focusesd on one thing that had lead us to were we are today, in the world. The 19th century was about the industrial revalution. The 20th century was about physics and engineering. The 21th century is the digital age. Everything you do in life, comes from technology, or is a result of technology. Doing normal things like playing baseball, or become a race car diver, all of these things have been turned upside down, by software. A few examples would be : Planting seeds. Instead on having to plant one seed at a time. you could use a machine to do all of the work for you, which wasn’t posibal without computer science and technology.  Fashion. Now you usually do online shopping or you are creating our designs online. You need to know programming. Medicine. New tech for illnesses and ways to create things are being made everythday. Your doctor uses an x-ray to see what happened to your ankle. Energy. Software helps with saving energy, make their carbon emmisons less. Computers help with calculation that are impossible for humans to figure out. Technology is in everything, and things that don’t have tech, are a result of tech.

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