Tech post-8

This week we started to work on our flashlights that we make. I did everything besides drilling holes for my switch and light bulb and I need to cut my pipe. My flashlight is in a L shape and the bottom is the handle. The point where there is a corner because the lines connect in the L is where the switch is going to be. At the highest point of the L I am going to put my light bulb.

Tech post-7

This week we worked on our switches and I completed them and made ten in total. With the extra seven switches i gave them to people who needed them and didnt have enough switches. On the last day we used the switches to play the game with the switches and I couldn’t find my favorite switch so me and one of the kids that I made two switches for used that switch together.

Tech post-6

On Monday we talked about electrons and batteries and wires and we used Nearpod to make complete circuit to turn on a light bulb with a battery, unlimited wires, three switches and three light bulbs. I finished this and he said that there was another way to do it so when you press the switch they all stay on and I did that too. This was a really fun assignment and I want to do this again.

Tech post-5

Today we made and pendant. We made the inside and soldered it and the medal stuck together it was really fun and I worked hard on it. I messed up so I had to desolder it and now it is good. On thursday we watched a video about electricity.

Tech post-4

This week we started on brainstorming what to make for a jewelry piece and I am making one for my friend and it is Sox in a line for the team and so far I have bent the wire into the circular shape and added the loop for the pendant that we are making so we can put the string through it soon I with have to put the design into the pendant and connect the metal.

Tech post-3

We did Vectornator again and I was really fun. I did the Michigan logo and it was very difficult to draw everything and then I had to take a photo of my drawing and upload it to Vectornator and go over the parts that I wanted to be cut out and the parts that I wanted it be engraved. I made a block of wood not a keychain, earring or bookmark like other people.

Tech post-2

I learned what Vectornator was and it was very fun to use it. I think that I am good at it and I was able to do it very fast. Vectornator is really fun and it has a lot different tools that I can use.

We did banners and I said happy birthday on them.

Tech post-1

We had a break out and it was really fun. My side of the room went faster then the other side. This was really hard but when there was barely any time left we did the bonus box. We also did a safety unit and just went over safe tools and stuff. I knew all this but it was good to go over it again.