February 4

Colonial America

In the article “Colonial America” the main idea is that Colonial times were hard. It was hard because the natives lifestyles were different than europeans. There were many tribes with their own languages, yet, they all had deep respect for land. Lots of the tribes made peace treaties with the europeans. Africans were slaves to the spanish they had to work as carpenters, blacksmiths, bakers, and weaver. Colonial times must’ve been hard with all the colonies.

January 10

The important thing about Henry Hudson

The important thing about Henry Hudson is that he was an


His goal was to find the North West passage and the North East passage.

On his first voyage he got blocked by ice.

He sailed in the Hudson River. The boat he sailed on was called the Half Moon.

He sailed 4 voyages and on the 4th voyage he sailed up a  river and the river was named after him The Hudson River.

Henry Hudson got left adrift on his boat.

Nobody knows what happened to him or when he died. But the important thing about Henry Hudson is that he was an explorer. Image result for henry hudson