Capstone Blog Post #2

So I just finished my Capstone interview, and I interviewed Andy Costello who is a professor of law. I interviewed him because he knew a lot about Constitutional cases. Since my mom knew him already, she called him and asked when we could interview him, then we did that over the phone. 

The questions I asked were mainly stuff about amendments, Constitutional cases, and a little about his job. The most interesting thing I learned is that gun rights is a more divided and interesting issue than I thought. I originally thought that guns should not be allowed, but then I realized that if the government was ever corrupt that would be bad if guns weren’t allowed, and before guns there were all these ways of killing people, so banning guns isn’t going to change things in the long-term. There will still be bad people out there, and the best we can do is to try to stop them from hurting anyone. That was an insightful part and changed my opinion.

One challenge was that I was very nervous, but eventually I got over that because I began to relax and just ask the questions, because I’m a little shy.

The interview actually gave me the information I needed to complete my research, but now I have to comb through the rest of the audio, so, farewell for now!