Capstone Blog Post #1

In school, it’s fifth grade. Now you might be thinking well duh you’ve literally categorized all your posts in 5th grade. Yes, but the point is we’re starting Capstone. Yay! More stressful projects! Fun! Capstone is a project where we learn how to research and learn about a specific topic, but I found it a little tight since it was almost the end of the school year, and usually we wind down in previous years.

Recently we picked our topic and main inquiry question for Capstone. My topic is law, because I’ve been learning about it throughout the year and it’s a very interesting topic, and my main inquiry question is “How have Constitutional amendments been influenced by important legal cases in our nation’s history?”

What was helpful in choosing my main inquiry question was the Zoom we had one on one with our teacher. It really helped me make my question more precise. Also, the slideshow that helped us know what a good main inquiry question looked like helped a little bit in making my first draft of my main inquiry question.

It was challenging to find a main inquiry question that really was interesting and got people to think, because I wanted people to think about my presentation and my message in my presentation. Also, before the one on one Zoom with my teacher I was having technical issues which was stressing me out.

I have learned that when I’m not on time that I stress out a lot and that I also learn more when it’s a one on one because I’m getting all of the attention in the lesson. In all, I’ve learned that I value being on time and that I excel when I have more attention.