site visit at smile train


A couple weeks ago, I went to the Smile Train  headquarters. At the Smile Train headquarters, I had my interview and site visit. for my interview and site visit, Mrs. Adina Wexelberg-Clouser gave me information on Smile Train ,Introduced me to people who worked at Smile Train like the CEO of Smile Train Susannah Schaefer, and Beatriz Gonzalez the president of Smile Train Finance team.Smile Train is a charity but also has a lot of employees. Some jobs at Smile  train are, Community fundraising, Finance, Trading, Marketing, and operating.I Was told at the site visit that a lot of people who work at  Smile Train are volunteers. I really liked that I got to see what people do at Smile Train everyday.


One thought on “site visit at smile train

  1. I liked how you gave specific examples of how you enjoyed your site visit, and Anna Wexelburg’s vision of how operation smile can improve humans with cleft lip and other cleft palates

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