My Expert Book – Baseball

My Expert book is all about baseball. I enjoyed putting in pictures and writing into my expert book. What I found challenging was that I had to get all of my information to put in from my brain. I also found it hard to put in the pictures. One thing that’s exciting that you get to read is the infield and the outfield! I hope you enjoy my reading book!

Thanks for reading!

7 thoughts on “My Expert Book – Baseball

  1. Kyle, such an informative article. I can see the hard work and research you have put in to this, and enjoyed learning about this game. Very well done! Raya (Ori’s mum)

  2. Great work, Kyle! I loved reading about baseball, and learned many interesting facts. I was impressed with your thorough descriptions of all the positions and the strategies they need to use to win. I hope you have a fun this spring playing baseball!
    Good job!

  3. Great work! It’s so nice to learn about your favorite sports for details. Have fun for playing in this spring season!! (Kaito’s mom)

    • I loved your work Kyle I like that you put explanations in your book. it was really interesting. and I loved that you put in French! you did a great job. (Mundi)

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