Tag Archives: Constitution

The National Constitution Center

Philadelphia, PA, November 9th, 2018. It started out as a rainy morning for the Heathcote Elementary 5th graders. When they arrived they went to the National Constitution Center. There, the 5th graders saw four main exhibits. The main exhibit, the shows “Living News”, “Freedom Rising” and a special Alexander Hamilton exhibit.

At the Alexander Hamilton exhibit 5th graders saw incredibly well preserved artifacts, such as Alexander Hamilton’s papers, his duel gun and even a lock of his hair! At the main exhibit the 5th graders got a chance to interact in activities such as discovering the qualities people needed to be able to vote in the 1800’s. The two shows were a great learning experience. “Living News” was interactive. The students got to put in their own opinions. The second show “Freedom Rising” wasn’t interactive, but 5th grader Julia says, “I thought that it was really cool. I learned a lot from it and I liked the pictures on the screen.”

5th grader Alba says, “I thought that the National Constitution Center was very enjoyable. I had a great experience.” In the reporter’s opinion the 5th graders had a very fun, enjoyable experience. In conclusion, 5th grader Kate says, I had so much fun going to Philly! It was a great learning experience.”



On November 9th, 2018 we will be going to Philadelphia. Our day starts early in the morning. We are required to get to school at 5:50 am. The bus ride takes about 2 hours. Our first stop is the National Constitution Center. We will be watching two theatrical performances and touring the building. In the afternoon we will take a tour of Independence Hall and the historical district of Philadelphia. Finally at 3:00 pm we will start heading back to school.

I am sure that we will have the best time and that no one will ever forget this memorable trip to Philadelphia!