
My favorite animal are cats. As you all know I have on cat at home, he will turn 17 in July. I like cats beacuse well I have one at home and they play and run around with there owners and beacuse there not that much work like dogs. But the sad part about me is that I am allegic to cats but I can still play outside with them and feed him but I can’t pet him. I have not pet my cat Welloington in 5 years. On the weekneds I let my cat outside and I play with him but sometimes he looks arond the backyard and he dosen’t focus at me. When I go down to the basement to feed him he is always in his bed looking at me but sometimes he gets sick like thowing up all over the basement but at least he is still alive.

immagration/ Delia Vargas

Finally I finshed my podcast. I interviewed my Grandma Delia Vargas. As you know my mom and grandma are spainsh. So my grandma came from Peru. When she got here no one would help her and she had trouble with that, her sister was in Mount Veron. So she found a place called White Plains and lived in a apment with her son. [My uncle] After a whlie she became a citzens here and decited to not go back and live in Preu. There was this girl that helped her out and gave her notebook and a pen and she strted learing Ehglish. After a few years of pratice she learned it but now she still need’s help but I help her out.

Train to somewhere

This week I have been reading a book called train to somewhere. The book is about these two girls who are oparns Nora and Maryanne and more ophans. They go on a train to differnt stops and get adopeted. So when they get on the train it takes day to get to there frist stop. Finally they are there when they get there they go to a place on stage and sit tall and act so nice that must be very scray. Anyway some ophans get adoted like the storng ones. Then a ritch couple comes up to Nora and says can I have her? But then Nora says that Maryanne is her sister but shes not not till Mrs Randoth tells her they are not sisters. So they took her. On to the next stop. There are onlt 8 kids left now so on the next stop lots of kids are adoted now 3 are left. Next stop when they arrived a couple took Jane and Dorthy and now its just Maryanne. When they arrive at the next stop a older couple looks at MaryAnne sso they took her.

Drita my Homegirl

In my class we are studing Immagrtin. So we read Drita my home girl which was out on 2006. The main chaters were Drita and Maxie. Maxie is from new York and Drita from Kosoa. Drita is new and is worrited that her parents will find out that she doent have friends until Maxie comes along. They become friends, but while Brandy and some other girls get in a big fight Maxie trys to defiend Drita so she does and she gets in toruble. So for 2 weeks Maxie and Brandy stay on bench for two weeks which means no recsss of two weeks. After that they are studing colonal times and they are doind a map on Dritas country at frist Maxie is confessed but when she met Drita its easer for her.


Do any of you like fashion? Well I do. I like to wear leggings skirts shorts. I also love shoes. Like boots flip flops high heels and lots more. Anyway lets talk about the fashion I like dress with sparkles and glitter. I love wearing cute stuff and lOVE AND LOVE shopping for colths.


I love doing dance. I do Jazz and ballet.  Ballet is my favorite thing to do because you have a pretty dress and point shoes. I always wanted to be on point shoes. So, every time I go to ballet I try my best! That is really my talent.

Winter Break

Over vacation I went to Miami. When I got there it was late at night, so we ate dinner when we got to the hotel. The next day, we went to the beach, but the bad part about the beach was there was a lot of jelly fish. So, I tried to go not that far into the ocean. It was hot, but for some days I went to the pool instead of beach for some of the days. 3 days before we had to go I went shopping. There were so many malls.

This is My World – Have Fun!


Hello my name is Katherine, but people call me Kate. I have a little sister, Elizabeth and a cat named Wellington. My favorite thing to do is art, like drawing and fashion. I also like sewing. My favorite thing to do at school is Makerspace and lunch. I like to make things from scratch. I like using tools,  and things like tin foil and paper clips. I also love collecting things. I go to a lot of places during some breaks at school and I like collecting postcards while I am on vacation and then when I get home I put them in a big blinder.