Maglev blog post #1

A maglev train is a train that goes really fast and levitaits 10 mm above the track. The bottom of the train and the track have to repel for it to float. It can repel when you put like poles together which is N to N or S to S. My groups idea for our maglev train was to put 5 disc magnets on the vical. Four in the corners and one in the middle. For the track we planed to put about 12 disc magnets on the track in rows of two.


Today what we did that works was we put two strip magnets on each side with the side facing N to N to the track. On the track what worked was we put two strip magnets on the sides of the track N to N also so that it repels. What we did that failed was tried the thing that we planned the other day and it did not work because the disc magnets kept attracting from the vehicle to the track and will not repel.


The experience working with my group was good because all of us got to do the same amount of work on the train and we talked well and worked together. Also we used all of our ideas into it so that it is fair. 

our design at first

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