Maglev blog post #2

Today is the second day of creating our maglev trains. It worked! This is what we did. We got 4 long strip magnets and put 2 on each of the track so the repulsion is bigger. On the vehicle we got 2 strips magnets and put one on each side making it repel to the track by doing N to N or S to S. The repulsion got higher since we put 2 magnets on each side of the track. Last, we put the magnets on the vehicle facing up because we new that foam does not affect magnets and we thought it went higher.


What we did that failed was the vehicle kept tilting to the wrong side. We tried and tried to get it right and we realized  it was because the train and the track were not lined up. What we learned from it was for the train to levitate or repel the train and the track have to be lined up. If it is not, the magnet will try to find a way to get to the other side and attract. The changes we made was we made were we lined up the track and made sure it had know bumps or if it was curled.


We finished our create phase and now we are in the improve phase for the EDP model! We put pebbles on and got up to 30 of them. Our train was a success!

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