Diving meet

Neer Halloween, all the divers on the High Dive Champions team, had a Halloween Meet. This meet was at Purches Collage. The purpose of the meet was so all the divers can get ready for all of the other diving meets against other diving teams. All the divers lined up to practice so they are ready. After about 20 minutes, everyone lined up to do there dives. Everyone was nerveos to do there first dives. Once each diver did their dive, they would get scored based on how they did on there dive. After everyone finished their first dive, they seemed relived. There are two boards the divers dove on. One board was 1 meter and the other board was 3 meters. The older kids went on 3 meter first and the younger kids went on 1 meter first. After everyone finished there 4 dives on the board they were on, the divers switched boards. All the divers did 4 more dives on the board they did not go on before. In the end, the diving meet was 4 hours and 30 minutes. All the divers look tired when they were about up to their second to last dive. In the end it looked like the divers were tired, but they had a great time at the first “ meet “ of the season!


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