Posts Tagged ‘Technology’

Thomas Edison and the Vacuum Diode

An anode is where the electrons leave, and the cathode is where the electrons come in.
If you don’t understand this, neither do I, so don’t worry.Thomas Edison! We all know him!

Or do you?

But what is a vacuum diode? How do you even pronounce that? Well, thanks to Google, just look it up.


It’s pronounced dai-owd.

So, what even is a vacuum diode, anyway? “A diode is an electronic component with two electrodes (connectors) that allows electricity to go through it in one direction and not the other direction.” states

The anode is where the electrons leave, and the cathode is where the electrons enter the diode. If you don’t understand, neither do I, so don’t worry.

Although the vacuum tube was invented by John Ambrose Fleming, Thomas Edison was the one who later discovered the “Edison effect,” which says that electricity doesn’t definitely need a solid material to move through! It can move through gas or vacuums, too! Without this realization, vacuum tubes would never have been invented! Pretty awesome, right?


The First Day Of SMS

The first day of actually going to Scarsdale Middle School in person was really intimidating. I was so nervous when my mom dropped me off. She said: Don’t worry! You’ll be okay. Everyone is nervous on their first day. I knew that, but still, I was scared. But who isn’t? It’s a big transition from elementary school to middle school. The building is bigger, there’s more classes, more teachers, and most importantly, more homework. (This is what I’m most afraid of.)

I walk into the doorway on the upper circle, and ask a lot of teachers for help to find my homeroom. Finally, I get to my homeroom/science room. Dr. Williams was at his desk, and some other people were already there.

“Go to a desk with an iPad case on it.” Dr. Williams said, so I sat at the front row. How do I put on my iPad case? I wondered while awkwardly putting some of my things on my desk. I awkwardly looked around at all the people around. Wow, there are so many boys! How am I gonna survive?

Soon, class started. Dr. Williams introduced everyone, he helped me with putting on my iPad case (he said his thumbs are still sore from putting on the case), and I really enjoyed the class.

Next, we had technology. It was really interesting! Mr. Calvert talked about the Dee Bridge Incident, the 1986 Challenger Explosion, the Titanic, and how they all had the incident not because of the design, but because the choice of material.

Social Studies was a bit different. Ms. Castiello was zooming in from Zoom. It was a little bit echo-y because we also joined the Zoom from our iPads, but it was a really good class!

At the end of the day, I was so sad that I had to go home! School was already over! So sad 😥. (Yes, yes. I know. I enjoy school. Don’t judge. Humph.) I saw some of my friends while waiting for my mom to pick me up. We talked a little, but then my mom called me and I left.

Technology is…

You might think that all technology is electronics but you’re wrong. What makes technology is stuff that people created to solve problems and make things easier and helpful to do.

My object is a paperclip. It’s bendable and at both of the ends, they’re pointy. The paperclip is also really light, it’s smooth and colored. The paperclip is technology because it helps to put things together so if you have a few pieces of paper, you just slip it on in the middle and the pieces of paper will stay together. It makes life better because it helps organize things and put pieces of paper together.

The paperclip is made out of metal.

This is the paperclip I had.


My Expert Book – Chinese New Year


The assignment was to make a book that you’re an expert on. My teacher also told us that expert books aren’t just facts, facts and more facts. There are also statistics, quotations, observations, lists, labels and many more! I used a lot of tools for this assignment. Before I typed a lot of this, I thought I was so behind. But then when I went home to type, I felt so much better. This book took a really long time to make.  I wrote this book because I knew a lot about Chinese New Year. At first I wanted to write about China but then I realized that just because I went to China a lot of times doesn’t mean that I will know a lot about China. The chapter names were kind of easy. My chapter 3 was first going to be “Christmas V.S. Chinese New Year” But then, after an assembly, my teacher suggested to do “New Year’s Day V.S. Chinese New Year” instead of “Christmas V.S. Chinese New Year.” One time, when my teacher said that we had to find some vocabulary words, I couldn’t find any vocabulary words. And then, at school, I just magically found the word resolution to add in my book. Now I have five vocabulary words in my glossary. I’m  going to give credit to a classmate because when my teacher suggested traditions, he said: “Why don’t you do Chinese New Year?”  I’m also going to give credit to Pebble Go. I used some facts from there. I learned also not to use ‘I’ in my story. It’s not a personal narrative.   For text features, I used a map in chapter one and I used two labels in the introduction. I used a mini story in chapter four. For my introduction, I got the ‘Happy Chinese New Year’ part from this article except the article said ‘Play ball’ instead of ‘Happy Chinese New Year.’ The technology part was pretty fun and cool. Especially the linking part. And the switching slide part. Also, I learned that you don’t do a background. Thank you, Mr. Casal! So that’s how I got this good in my book.

My book is called Chinese New Year. I hope you’ll enjoy it! And here it is…