Monday, May 4 ~ E-learning

Good Morning 3D! It is Marvelous Monday!

Please watch the morning message first, then read the blog post for closer details.

Remember to plan out your schedule for the day with breaks.  Try to plan around a 9-3 school day, so you can finish your work early. Also, use the checklist at the end of our post to make sure you completed your assignments for the day. If you have any problems completing anything please leave us a comment on your E-learning slides to keep us posted about any conflicts. Last, it is VERY important you watch all videos that we post since these are our lessons to help you complete assignments.

Please put your April E-Learning slideshow in your April folder in your SS Google Drive folder after your parents read my weekly comments.  Please press “reply” to acknowledge that you read my comments. Do not delete any E-learning slideshows because we need to keep them to show your participation for the year. Your new May E-Learning slideshow is in your SS folder to use for our next two weeks of assignments.

Please remember to visit the specials websites:  Heathcotegateway E-Learning option

Questions? Continue to add to our class Padlet: E-Learning Questions or use your gmail

Zoom schedule today: 

whole class 3D- 11-12pm – today I will see small group #2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Spanish- 1:20-1:35

Library Broadcast (optional) – 2:30 pm – Mrs. Sorenson will read a book to you


Today you will be learning about the story element, theme. Theme is the big idea or message that you take away after reading your book. Watch the video, and then push yourself to add an idea about your book club book’s theme when you are recording your ideas on Padlet today. I added a column on your padlet named “theme.”


Watch the Brainpop jr. video on Theme. Remember to make sure you are on logged on your Scarsdale account in order to receive credit for watching the movie and completing the quiz on Brainpop jr. You can go to Heathcotegateway or use the link below.

Video teaching theme



Please look at your new sort for this week. Complete a few activities per day (about 15 min).  Leave the writing sort for Friday, otherwise it will erase your data.  You may have to repeat blind and speed sorts more than once to receive 100%.Check all assignments on Friday, then submit all.


Math: Convert between liters and milliliters

In this video you will convert between liters and milliliters, subtract and add milliliters. You will need paper and a pencil to practice all the problems.  You will pause and un-pause throughout this video and be expected to compare your solution with the video’s solution. Please watch and practice all the problems in its entirety before completing your math workbook pages. 

Complete workbook pages 45-46 below:

Copy and paste: Workbook p45-46

Print option:  WB pp45-46


These slides are also in your science folder: Weather & Climate Part Four Slides

NASA Climate Kids – Go to SeeSaw and look at the activity assigned


Smart Fact 

On this day in 1979 Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to be elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four countries: England, Scotland, and Wales (which collectively make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland (which is variously described as a country, province or region). The flag of the United Kingdom is known as The Union Jack. “Why do countries have flags?” you ask, well check out this website to find out why and learn about flags from all over the world. 


By the end of today I need to have completed….

  • Words Their Way Due Friday
  • Read 30 minutes – book club padlet post- put date 5/4 and initials for us to give you credit
  • Watch the Brainpop jr. video on theme and take the quiz
  • Math workbook pages 45-46
  • REFLEX- 3 green dots by Friday
  • Watch the NASA Climate kids science video and complete the Seesaw activity- 3 questions
  • Complete the engineering challenge sun s’mores – take a video or picture of it, upload to seesaw and voice record your explanation— may take 1 week to complete