Reading Mystery Books

In our reading Mystery unit of study we are learning the different elements that are in mystery books. We used The Absent Author and The Whodunit, The Diamond Mystery as our read aloud and mentor texts. You can click on the links below to remind yourself how do mystery books go and how do you read mystery books from the beginning, middle and end of this genre?


How do mystery books go?

Mystery readers look for…

Also, we have been working on retells after each chapter using a timeline to help track and hold onto information in our reading notebooks. Last, we are practicing to write 3rd grade summaries.  Look at your chart in your notebook to remind yourself what a 3rd grade summary looks like.  Otherwise, Here is the learning progression retell/summary chart for easy access.

Please post one of  your summaries on your blog.  Here are some guidelines to help you write a successful post:

  • First write in google docs (in writing folder, name your doc “summary and the book title”) because this is a long post and will not save automatically in your blog
  • Remember to use character names, big events, problem and solution, and a lesson (who, wanted, but, so, then…)
  • Reread your summary and take out any details that are not necessary to tell (big events)
  • Proofread and edit for capitals, punctuation, and spelling
  • Copy and paste your work from google docs to your blog (command c- copy and command v- paste)
  • In your blog remember to write a few sentences to introduce what you learned about summaries before you paste it into your blog
  • Add categories and tags on your blog
  • Save draft
  • Publish when you completed your checklist above