Monday, April 20 E~learning

Good Morning 3D! I hope everyone had a restful weekend.

Please watch the video first, then read the blog for further details.

Remember to plan out your day. Do an assignment. Take a mental break (go outdoors, listen to music, play a board game – whatever you need.) Then come back and tackle another assignment. That seems to be the best approach and one where you can get the most out of your day!

Please remember to visit the specials websites:  Heathcotegateway E-Learning option

Ms. Bescherer’s Google Classroom Code: mam7gxd

REMINDER: After completing your work everyday.  PLEASE press share and include my email (, so I can review and comment on your slides promptly. Mrs. Gelosa and Mrs. Dolma will begin to help me grade starting this week.

ZOOM SCHEDULE: Please look in your SS folder for the updated zoom schedule for the week of April 20th. We will zoom today at 11am.  Mr. Casal will start the first 15 minutes to explain gmail.  Students will have email accounts starting this week.  Afterwards, we will look over our weather chart and analyze our work that we did and compare it to the 10 day forecast.

I will see students #1, 2, 3, 4 for small group today after our zoom

whole class: 11:00am

Spanish: 1:40-1:55

NOTE: I organized your SS google drive folder. I put everything in your March folder and the April work that we need is not in a folder yet. We will learn how to keep this organized when we move into May. We will discuss this in our zoom today too.

Questions? Continue to add to our class Padlet. Please note I cleared all past posts, so you will have a new padlet for this month: E-Learning Questions


Today you will be learning about a form of traditional Japanese poetry called, haiku. After you watch the video please explore haiku poetry written by children and try your hand at writing haiku yourself. Be sure to publish your poetry on Seesaw and read it aloud for us to hear. Can’t wait to see your haiku!

Syllable Finder: This is a handy website that can help you figure out how many syllables are in the word you want to use in your haiku poem.

Other Poetry Websites: 

  • Go to EPIC and use the code mru9731. if you have not logged in yet.  I have a new collection of poetry books for you to read too.

Please complete 30 minutes of independent reading.  Don’t forget about Raz Kids, Storyworks Jr., Scholastic News, Epic, True Flix, and e-books on the library databases.

Your science reading today can count towards your 30 minutes if you did not complete Tracking the Weather.

MATH: Converting Metric Units

In this lesson, you will learn how to convert a mass that is measured in both kilogram and gram units to only gram units. You will also learn how to convert a mass that is measured in only gram units to include both kilograms and grams.

Please complete workbook pages 18-20. Read the directions carefully.

Copy and paste option: Workbook 18-20

Print option: WB 18-20

Answer key for last weeks bar modeling. Please review: Answer key pp15-16


SCIENCE: Tracking the Weather Instruments

Please watch the video below first before starting today’s science assignment.

Last week you were asked to read, “Tracking The Weather”, on Epic. If you did not do this, click on your mailbox to see the books I’ve shared with you. There is a collection of weather books. Read the book “Tracking The Weather.” 

Use this book to help you complete this graphic organizer on Weather Instruments (TO PRINT)

**I put a Weather Instruments graphic organizer in your Science Folders if you want to edit with Kami. Your edited version will be automatically saved in the same folder.**

Need help with Kami? Check out the tutorial Mr. Casal created on the Heathcote Tech blog: Kami-PDF Extension

Smart Fact

On this day in 1929, plans were announced to build the tallest building in the world in New York for the Bank of Manhattan which would be 63 stories high. There’s another famous tall building in Manhattan that a giant ape climbed in a famous Hollywood blockbuster movie. Do you know the name of the building and how tall it is? Check out this movie trailer to see this Hollywood legend scale the skyscraper. 



Please look at your new sort for this week. Complete a few activities per day (about 15 min).  Some students are not redoing the blind sorts, please make sure you are completing for 100% completion. Leave the writing sort for Friday, otherwise it will erase your data.  Check all assignments on Friday, then submit all.

Optional Games for different sorts:

WTW sort 19

WTW sort 27

WTW sort 43



  • Words Their Way-Due Friday
  • Read and Write Haiku poetry- post on seesaw
  • Read 30 mins
  • Math Workbook pages 18-20 
  • REFLEX MATH- 3 green dots by Friday
  • Re-read or finish reading “Tracking the Weather” in Epic
  • Fill out Weather Instruments Graphic organizer
    • Share on your E-Learning Slideshow, Seesaw or if you use Kami. Kami will save it in your Science folder (please let me know if you use Kami under science e-slides, so I know to look in your science folder)